New Releases
The New Releases page lists all files hosted in the Museum of ZZT's file archives sorted by release date. This is essentially a full list of all files hosted in chronological order of release excluding unpublished worlds (which may be found on the Upload Queue page).
For many files these dates may not be completely accurate. In instances where the release date cannot be determined with reasonable accuracy, "Unknown" is used instead.
Program Description
*Bear With Me* is a ZZT world created for the game jam:
["Oktrollberfest 2021"](
It is inspired by the aesthetics of *City of ZZT* and takes the form of a classic ZZT purple key hunting adventure. Except you have to escort a bear the entire time.
If the bear is harmed the game instantly ends. Have fun! Maybe!
Program Description
A drop in replacement for ZZT v3.2 with an alternative HUD displaying information on things like board exits, stat counts, and more. SolidHUD also makes some gameplay changes to alleviate minor frustrations with ZZT since as quieting down bullet spam, new cheats, and preventing message windows from being closed by shooting.