New Releases
The New Releases page lists all files hosted in the Museum of ZZT's file archives sorted by release date. This is essentially a full list of all files hosted in chronological order of release excluding unpublished worlds (which may be found on the Upload Queue page).
For many files these dates may not be completely accurate. In instances where the release date cannot be determined with reasonable accuracy, "Unknown" is used instead.
Featured Reviews
- Featured World: Sixteen Easy Pieces by Dr. Dos
Featured Reviews
- Featured Game: Aura by MadTom
Program Description
The final release in the ZZT 4.x series
Released during the Glorious Trainwrecks' Glorious Weekend of ZZT Blitzkrieg-o-thon 5/11/2012.
* ZZT's 20k board limit has been increased to 65k.
* ZZT's bottom-row placement bug has been fixed.
* ZZT is now 39k.
* untitled.zzt, temp.brd, and saved.sav will no longer be the default. Now by default you must put in a name of your own. This means no more angst over accidentally saving over your last board, saved game, or ZZT project.
* 255 objects per board, 255 boards per zzt world.
* Removed most in-game messages and sound effects. Kept the item pick-up messages and the invisible wall sound and message.
* The game no longer crashes if your cursor accidentally wanders off the board when using f4 in the editor. (If you continue typing off into oblivion, though, it will still crash)