Livestream - Sivion (Part 2)

Beautiful torches for beautiful people. Tedious boss fights for impatient people.

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Dec 5, 2022
Part of Series: Sivion Livestreams
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Livestream of the ZZT world "Sivion" by Monthigos (1995)
(Originally streamed December 2nd, 2022)
(No ad break scene, but the tedious bomb part ends at 1:07:27)

In which we reach the rough part of Sivion. Oh sure the last keys are reasonable enough. Fight some monsters in a cave, save Lord Charles from assassins, basic stuff. Afterwords though...

We've got a miserable cave with invisible mazes only to reach a dead end have to turn back to get a missed spell to be able to survive an attack. That spell involves completing a few boards with more mazes and sources of gruesome instant deaths. Upon finally returning Sivion presents some impressive tedious boss fights including situations where the player can easily become trapped and unable to continue. There's an honest to goodness part where the entire room is filled with breakables and bombs and the player has to use the bombs to destroy every wall.

Afterwards Rook goes full asshole and gets way more invested in yelling about how ugly the game looks compared to MegaZeux, while also being a jerk to everyone he meets in the next town. We encounter the game breaking cobra bug.

Still, at least we got to hear the perfect marketing slogan of "Beautiful torches for beautiful people".

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====== A Worlds of ZZT Production ======

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====== A Worlds of ZZT Production ======

The Worlds of ZZT project is committed to the preservation of ZZT and its history.

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