Attempt to transcribe the map de_dust2 from the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to the game ZZT. You play as a terrorist who needs to explode a bomb in the A or B location to win. Touching a highlighted wall at one of these two points a bomb appears and touching the bomb it is armed. This game is not very system intensive and probably even runs on a PC-XT. Issues: The body of enemy bots can block the path and require the player to use another path. I don't have advanced knowledge of game creation so it would certainly be possible to make a better version.
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- Overview
- Dust2v1.zzt
- Dust2v1.txt
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
Dust2v1.txt | 2023-08-29 20:11:54 |
8 | N | 3486356235 | 646 bytes | 1.1 KB |
Dust2v1.zzt | 2023-07-28 19:19:40 |
8 | N | 1656725364 | 3.8 KB | 13.2 KB |
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