Wish V 1.0

65.1 KB
2.75 / 5.00
(6 Reviews)
Board Count
1 / 48
Submitted By
Aladin and The King of Crap
20 years, 2 months ago (Aug 16, 2004)

Yo ya'll foo's! I like wish 1. sure it's buggy and uhhh... 99.9% stolen, it's put together in a way that is kinda cool I think Willy Wonka sould put more work into Wish 2, but I'm lookin' forward to it!!

I don't think will was trying to be stuck up or have an aditude when he asked for help!! This is still a lot to compile all by one lil' kid!!

Ohh and uh, by the way, Oris, you are WAY to stuck up!!!

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 2 months ago (Jul 31, 2004)

Not much has changed since I was here last. People are still bitchslapping newbie games.

Now I know this "game" is not very good, Infact I laughed soo hard at some of the authors attempts to get help on ... Wish 2??!! But still I must say that for a newbie game, It's not horrible. Oris is right it is not impressive, especially the games. This is not at all original, except for the idea of an "OS". But give the authors credit, Not all that Oris says is true. I did find a way to change the visualizations. you do ?+visual. But that is about all. I see where Oris and Appliance are coming from, but the authors will learn. The point I'm trying to get at is that this is not "horrible". You may only play it once and get bored, but hey, it's entertaing once or twice.

3 sounds good too me, but here's a note to the author(s): PUT WORK INTO THE NEXT ONE. DON'T COPY EVERYONE ELSE'S STUFF.

3.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 3 months ago (Jul 10, 2004)

Dr. Dos said it all, really. What we have here is a bunch of engines stolen from the ZZT encyclopedia, it's put all together in an attempt to trick the player into believing that he has just downloaded a new cutting-edge ZZT OPERATING SYSTEM!!


To spare you the trouble of having to download this and see for yourself how bad it is, which you will definitely regret, I'll go into some detail, deconstructing the so-called "features" of this... this... "thing." There are three different "modes" you are given to choose from when you load WISH. Regular, Safe Mode, and Deluxe. As far as I can tell, there is no reason at all to select Regular or Safe modes, all they do is make the graphics considerably worse AND take away some of the features. Why do this? Why take a bad thing and make it worse? It's as if the author thinks that Wish DX might make ZZT "unstable" on certain machines, because it is sooooo advanced, there must be 3 different modes so all kinds of computers can run this.


Next on our tour, we are taken to a jukebox, creatively titled "My Player" (ISN'T THAT CLEVER) In the jukebox, you are treated to "6" different musical selections... it turns out that in reality, you only get 5. The author didn't know the notes to one of the songs, so it links to a request to send him the notes if you know them. Cute. Also included are some visualizations, supposedly 3, however there didn't seem to be a way to select anything. It's nothing spectacular, just your standard invisible fades in a small 8 by 10 box in the corner of the screen. Boring. If you have nothing better to do with your time, you can even go into the editor and put your own music into one of the 4 "user slots" which are empty objects... then you can go into WISH and listen to it whenever you like!!! Gone are the primitive times when you would be forced to rely on a rudimentary ZZT board that you must create yourself using a couple of buttons... you would actually have to use this method to store your music!! Thank Zeus, wish is released and now we can go through an unneccessary loading process and store our music creations in up to 4 "user slots." If this doesn't feel cheap enough to you, the ZZT music creator thing from the encyclopedia has been stolen and placed in here as a "music editor" for your convenience... rejoice...

Next we come to "Project Pro" which is a complete waste of time. Honestly. There is a .txt document reader which is a waste of time if you have access to a program such as Notepad, there's the graphics creator straight out of the Encyclopedia, and a "Spreadsheet Creator" which allows you to put a bunch of colored solids on a grid. Nothing to see here...

We come to "Games" next and here is where I was hoping to be impressed. (HAHAHA YEAH RIGHT) We have Wish Invaders up first, which is truly awful and has very little in common with Space Invaders, a far superior game. Wish Demonz is directly stolen from some other game where you walk around a "3d" labyrinth and fight pre-programmed monsters at random... however, it doesn't matter because you come in through a blocked passage, so selecting this will force you to restart the program. Then we have the breakout game which I have definitely seen somewhere else, it's stolen and seems to be buggy. The creator also thoughtfully included a section for "other games" where you, the user, can send him some games you want to see in future WISH releases.. chokes on vomit No, seriously, he wants you to send him some games to put in the next version! To quote: "If I approve of it (fun or not), then I will put it in Wish." Fun or not!! This attitude shown by the programmer clearly shows us why this so-called operating system fails to deliver. So-called "fun" is not one of his priorities. Having reached this shocking conclusion, I cannot in good conscience continue to review this abomination.

Dr. Dos WAS being very kind with his 2/5. The two newbies who reviewed this and were sooo impressed by it that they felt the need to argue with reviews by more experienced members, should take a few moments to check out the Rules of writing reviews... "One review per person, per game." This isn't intended to be a discussion forum... that's what the Forums are for.

I'll borrow a phrase from Appliance, to sum up this entire review...


1.00 / 5.00


Submitted By
20 years, 3 months ago (Jul 10, 2004)

Worst. Idea. Ever.

It was interesting.

Ok. no it wasn't.

It's just a lot of engines strung toghehter with weird font.


1.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
Dr. Dos
20 years, 3 months ago (Jun 29, 2004)

If you've ever played ZZT Encyclopedia you've pretty much played this. It's a quit lousy "HEY GUYS ZZT IS AN OPEARTING SYSTEM NOW!!!" sort of thing. Which basically means use a font to make the player a cursor and steal a bunch of encyclopedia engines. Now the concept is semi-original (I'll admit I thought of something like this one, BUT THEN I CAME TO MY FUCKING SENSES), but it just comes out as some mess of random engines thrown together.

I'm being VERY KIND here with a 2/5.

2.00 / 5.00


Submitted By
Mr. Guy
20 years, 3 months ago (Jun 28, 2004)

This is a great idea (a little different, but very cool). You should download this.

4.50 / 5.00

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