
28.0 KB
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(1 Review)
Board Count
33 / 38
Submitted By
Dr. Dos
5 years, 9 months ago (Sep 29, 2018)

A very cute game more than a decade in the making!

It's a ZZT snake engine, collect the dots, grow larger, clear stages, simple stuff. But Newt adds a lot of new twists including AI snakes that put down more nibblets or dance!

The game is challenging, and definitely benefits from mid level saves (but a true expert won't save between levels).

Sometimes, the engine gets a little buggy, causing you to move at cycle 3 the entire time.

The blink walls can be tough to time. There's some leftover old cutscene dialog on the game over screen that scrolls by very fast.

But! The game itself is a blast. The engine works well usually, and it gets tense.

In conclusion, this game proved its nibblin'.

Also I'm thanked first in the credits. 5.0/5.0

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