MegaZeux Adventure

86.0 KB
0.50 / 5.00
(6 Reviews)
Board Count
31 / 38
Submitted By
20 years, 1 month ago (Aug 31, 2004)

Oh wow, this should go down as the most misunderstood game ever. At the time it was made, the jokes made sense. You are right, they don't now and probably never will to you all because you weren't there. Basically only 20 people would understand this game and that's who it was made for. I never meant for it to be a smash hit, just something funny me and my fellow #megazeux'ers in the past could laugh about. The so called "newbie bashing" is not mine at all. I did not call Booth a newbie, he did himself. Originally I asked everyone who wanted a cameo for a quote and there you have it. The poor graphics and gameplay all are meant to tie into the story... it's really not meant so much as an actual game. Just like I said, something for those #megezeux'ers at the time of it's creation to enjoy.

0.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 4 months ago (Jun 11, 2004)

Wow...I'm a MZXer and yet, I still found nothing funny in this game. I beat this game in less than in hour and then regeted even trying it! I was expect a port of a MZX game, but this...what the fuck!!! This is useless and not worth the 86kb....sorry Wierdman. (Oh, and by the way....MZX is NOT in any way better than ZZT) (one point for trying to bomb ZZTers in our own home)

1.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
double berry
22 years ago (Oct 03, 2002)

I don't think anybody's offended by the jokes in your game, Weirdman. In fact, I don't see how anybody could ever be offended by them. So before you go off on a tangent, consider this: #Megazeux Adventure is a poorly written game with even poorer gameplay.

Everybody else has basically told you all you need to know about this game. Belelhelh lame jokes, etc. Really now, the Saga is fucking lame enough, why would you ever make a game about it? Well, Weirdman obviously didn't think this over.

Really, all that can be said has already been said. Weirdman, I think you just need to remember that for something to be controversial, some people have to like it as well as hate it. And I don't think anybody likes this.

(ps tseng- i've been in a black prison, as well as a green prison. and only in the green prison was i raped every single day.)

0.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
Mike Renner
22 years ago (Sep 25, 2002)

Back when I was still alive and actually doing something, I played this game. And, well, I didn't like it. Why?

Well, for one thing, it just seemed like Weirdman was trying to say that "Hey, I know, let's make a game using bad #megazeux jokes and references that I probably picked up from the Saga, and then proceed to make it bad!". If that was the intended goal, then I say "BRAVO, WEIRDMAN, YOU JUST MADE YOUR POINT."

From the very onset, Weirdman was intent on showing that Megazeux was superior to ZZT, from its community on down to the mechanics of the Megazeux editor. Like Terryn, above me, pointed out, he used lots of dated references and jokes no one in their correct mindframe would get. He even went so far as to call booth(the guy who made Bizanloo, Codename Pickle, and Attack of the Smilies) a "newbie". It was like the guy just stood up and said "Let's just find some ZZTer and call him a newbie", because Weirdman obviously didn't know what in the fuck he was talking about when he did that.

Plus, in my view, completing this game requires me to sit back and wonder something. If you beat the guys making the Megazeux world into an STK-less ZZT... then wouldn't beating the STK-less ZZT create a huge black hole that subsequently ends the world?

Or maybe I'm just making that up.

Anyway, avoid this game. I think a year in a black prison(assuming most of the readers of this review are white) would be more redeeming than playing this.

0.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 1 month ago (Sep 16, 2002)

ahem As for ZZTDude's supposed n00b status, Weirdman/Nova/Owcp had been in the MZX community since 1995, and this is a game obviously tailored for primarily MZXers. He's been in the ZZT commune for a considerable time as well. Sufficed to say, Weirdman had little reason to flame himself.

Now to the game...

Newbie-bashing games usually have little worthwhile GAME in my experience, and this holds true here despite the attempts. Usually one making a newbie-bashing game has to rely on warm, fuzzy cameoing or humor; however, the humor here is lost even to most current MZXers (hell, the phrase (mitmowp) was used; people tend to not know what (nar) means anymore), relying on dated concepts like Barkness and the yenrab/Yenrab difference. The cameos are of MZXers, and most gone by that, so ZZTers can't relate much there. Well, at least the cameo rule (while in force, since mono definitely was there) wasn't over-emphasised.

1.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 1 month ago (Sep 14, 2002)

I first played this game when i started ZZTing a few years back, and i found it funny (newbie bashing was funny once), but now, i look back and think "Who the fuck is ZZT Dude?" My point? ZZT Dude flamed tons of newbies in this little game, and he hasn't actually made any other ZZt game. Why did'nt he flame himself? I give it a 1, because i did laugh at some parts.

1.00 / 5.00

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