9/11: A ZZT Memorial
This brief cinema world is a parody of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, a real-life terrorist attack in which almost 3,000 people were killed, and features an irreverent depiction of the prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ as stoners. It also includes some instances of strong profanity and a single use of the N-word.
I think this was a good way for Americans to cope.. Everyone else just turned off their webpage for one month.. or post some animation online revolved around killing some guy who wasn't responsible for the deaths, because if he was he wouldn't be alive.. Can't blame anyone who's alive for a kamikaze. I liked this game because it had jesus and mohammed, and nobody else bothered to make a tribute to 9/11.. And there's no need for gameplay, anyway... Especially with a story like this where it all ceases in the end anyway. Knock it if you want, but nobody else even tried.
The other reviewers pretty much said what I was going to say.
But hey, why not be redundant? This game deserves the hate others are giving it. This game is a sad attempt at being offensive. It also features bad jokes. This game is almost "so-bad-that-it-is-good", but it doesn't even reach that mark. No, this game is just pure, unadultered dog shit.
This game sucked, but not for the reasons some people would have you believe. Some say you can't make jokes about this kind of thing. WRONG. You can most definitely do it, but be intelligent and satirical, or at least display the maturity level of someone above 6. If you're going to laugh about someone's pain, do it well. Jesus smoking pot is not a good idea. However, the graphics are suspiciously good. Not suspiciosly as in stolen, suspiciously as in whoever made this is old enough to know better. On the whole, a better tribute would play more on the pain angle, using things like "AGH, My spleen!" or some such thing. The spleen thing is a bad example, but anyway. Overall, this game sucked, as you could have deduced from reading the other reviews, stupid! Why did you waste your tie reading this one?
J00r Mama
Dexter should die and rot. Make fun of 9/11, GOD didn't even go that far.
In my opinion this game really sucked! So much for a memorial, this is the first ZZT Game ever to offend me. Dexter has in my opinion made one of the worst games for ZZT ever. That is if you can even call it a game. There is no gameplay to it. Its basically like a movie. The real question that this game leaves me with, is how this can be posted on the website.
Put EVERYTHING to do with this game being a piteous bid for attention from dexter, through exploiting a disaster in which thousands died. Forget all that for a moment.
Short, bad graphics, shitty and unoriginal jokes, repeated boards, no trace of gameplay.
And primarily, not funny.
All in all, a big fat 0.
I agree totally with catfriedrice's and JohnWWells review of the "game". How someone could make such a mockery using the 9/11 incident and still sleep at nite is beyond me. IMNSHO, instead of taking time to make this, the author should have been DOING time. Im not getting after anyone for free speech but come on- what kind of creep makes a joke out of 9/11? To Dexter: Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Well, I hesitated to review this, for fear of giving away the joke ("LOLZ! It's not REALLY a memorial! Who could have seen THAT coming?"), but catfriedrice pretty much did that for me.
This is a thoroughly unfunny game. Not because it's offensive - although it is - but because it doesn't contain an ounce of original material. The jokes included
i) An "ALL YOUR BASE" reference, because everybody knows that those are very clever and bound to cause violent paroxysms of laughter.
ii) A joke about Jesus smoking pot. Wow. Never saw that before
iii) A tacky yellow border scene.
Nice graphics in a few scenes, though.
What great use of STK on such a sacreligious waste of space. The only part of this kilosucker is the very last board. Ok, I don't recomend this to anyone CFRVRFZZTG: [S] for Stupid waste of space, time, and money,(well ok, maybe not the money)
For once, I wish I could rate this a -5