Happy almost as good ZOZ day everyone! Not gonna lie, I'm doing this super late instead of like 6 hours earlier like I originally intended to so mostly I wanna just get these files out the door. Enjoy a lot of mazes, a touch of Star Wars, and some new releases!
Said new releases include some entries for an arcade-themed game jam recent held on Discord, bringing us what I believe is the first ever ZZT American Gladiators fan game as well as the first ever ZZT Don't-Get-Thrown-Out-The-Window game. Both of which feel like titles that should've been taken 25 years ago. Truthfully, my fingers are crossed for running into a game of either type in any given Wildcard stream of unpreserved worlds.
It's also time for ZOZ to debut on the Museum! WiL's real showstopper Weave game IMO, that's not just a cool technical achievement, but genuinely a really engaging little deck builder with an impressive amount of nuance to a game whose rules are ultimately pretty dang simple once you get the hang of it. Definitely a must play.
“Kane's Maze” by Maddog (2000)

A single board maze. Use bombs to blow up breakable walls.

“Maze” by Jem Games (1996)

A _deadly_ single board maze. Featuring a cliffhanger ending due to the game being UNREGISTERED.

“Mazes (v1.0)” by Daniel Tiernan (1996)

The most playable of these maze games, featuring a few levels with lots of obstacles and a title screen I quite like.

“Mazes and Puzzles for the Expert” by GAMEBOYJBF

Some very simple puzzles, a single multi-board maze of identical rooms, and a race against a moving wall. Not exactly expert material.

“The Tower” by Robert Lynn (1995)

Here we go! Ascend a gigantic tower, travel to other worlds, and try to figure out what lies at the unseen top of the tower.

“The Tower Part Two” by Robert Lynn (1995)

A very ambitious sequel with some areas inaccessible (without cheats) for the demo. Giant bosses, magic spells, and a very nice looking town.

“SW Software #1” by StrWarsNut

Previews of some then upcoming games by Star Wars Software. Includes previews of "SW town", "SW fight", and "Vader".

“SW Software #2” by StrWarsNut

The second issue includes previews of "Vader" and "C-3POSW", plus a member list and news on C-3POSW likely being canceled.

“Forests of ZZT Project Dump” by Agent Orange (2023)

A dump of a remake of a 1994 world with an anonymous author. Lots of struggles detailed in the readme for why it's on hiatus, but it looks really cool!

“Powerball” by Snorb (2023)

Program Description
"Powerball! A conversion of the classic American Gladiators event, made for the Spring 2023 Score Attack Jam on the Discord of ZZT."
(Weave) ZZT gets its long overdue American Gladiators game focused on the Powerball event! Created for a ZZT arcade game jam

“DEFENESTRATOR (v1.1)” by Bob Pragt (2023)

Try to jump on the heads of those who would throw you out the window for your heresy! Another ZZT arcade jam entry.

“ZOZ” by Beatscribe, The Green Herring, WiL (2023)

Program Description
ZOZ game. Included is ZOZEdit, the hacked version of KevEdit used to create ZOZ; Windows only, no installer. (You will need to install KevEdit and put ZOZEdit in its folder in order to run it.)
Happy 5-20, not quite ZOZ day. The wonderfully made Weave deck building game with great battles, impressive scenery, and my boyfriend Drakka.