Time for the annual end of year queue clearing! (Oh, actually I did a January 1st update and not a December 31st update for 2021, but who's counting?) There are seven worlds being published on this final day, but let's see if that changes before this article goes up. Speaking of time, I'm out the door for a few days in a few hours so I am rushing through this!!!!
“2022 dot ZZT” by Dr. Dos (2022)

Yet another annual collection of odds and ends I've worked on over the year. Check out the abandoned Bear With Me sequel "Significant Otter"!

“Jilk Maker '22” by Agent Orange (2022)

I don't remember Jooky, so I am saved from contemplating the taste here.

“KM'S verden (very early version)” by kristomu (1995)

An incomplete adventure from 1995. Good ZZTers create, great ZZTers steal from "Robots of Gemrule".

“OIL” by dave2 (2022)

Dave2 makes his return to the ZZT community, and goes back to an unfinished 24 Hours of ZZT game from 2003, now finished and quite well made undersea adventure and race against the clock.

“Phoebus Project: ARG Files” by LBC (2022)

Phoebus Project was the smash hit of 2021 by newcomer LBC, but upon finishing the game there was still quite a lot more to do to uncover the identities of the 3 ZZTers in a very tall trench coat behind the name.

“A Random Number Generator” by itsmehere (2022)

A generator of arbitrary numbers using the power of 2.
“Zee! - Registered” by Dr. Dos (2021)

As promised, the Yahtzee sans trademark ZZT game Zee!'s paid-for version is now freely available after one year. Gross revenue: $13.00. Now to use that money to buy some Jooky on eBay.