For May, the Sunday streams are Star Wars games, so expect a glut of them for the next few packs as there are so many of them and they are often pretty short. Don't let them steal the show though! There are a few new releases not to be overlooked as well!
“Tales of Dragons” by Darren Hewer (2022)

The true star of this pack also seems to involve wars. An out of nowhere release by @DosGamesCOM that describes itself as a 1999-styled fantasy action/adventure game? It's like it was made for me! (Hence why I'll be streaming it this Friday).

“Yellow Border Black Metal” by Agent Orange (2022)

An art and comic collection featuring lots of cats, dragons, and a tribute to Ms. Hihoe of "The Big Dragon" fame.

“Bombs! Demo!” by Lightning (1998)

A single board demo where you must navigate a bomb filled cavern to reach a red star.

“The Danger Room” by Bob McGovern

The beasts have taken the Smokey Soft President prisoner! Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president from THE DANGER ROOM?

“Recovery” by Anonymous (2022)

Responsible for a day's worth of emotional despair and not wanting to do anything. A tale of our inevitable fate.

“Star War(s) ZZT” by Elliot Manning (1995)

Rescue Leia from the death star and break the fourth wall randomly to watch scenes from a literal movie theater.

“Star Wars City” by Austin Abrams, Barry Abrams (1996)

The Star Wars part takes a backseat for the city part which includes a coffin store, toilet store, Blockbuster, and more. But It's still Star Wars and Darth Vader will make an appearance.

“Star Wars X-Wing”

A whole lot of practice missions and training so you can help the rebels take on the empire. One of many games to turn tigers into TIE fighters.

“Star Wars: A New Hope” by Master_S, Redmage (2000)

A platformer with a dark secret! It's a reskinned Mega Man ZZT, that sometimes forgets to change some objects so Luke Skywalker will sometimes be referred to as a machine that doesn't need to eat. Still, the new intro and ending art boards make this worth looking at.

“Star Wars: Owen's Revenge” by Wookiee986 (1997)

Life sucks for Luke Skywalker. Uncle Owen only wants to make things miserable for him. Perhaps that's why Luke lashes out with homophobic remarks directed at C3PO towards the end of the game.

“Star Wars: The Arcade” by Joshua Fadriquela (1997)

A handful of missions to run based on scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy. Agh. More TI(g)E(r) fighters.

“Star Wars: The Rescue of Leia, Episode 1 of 3” by Lord 39

Another retelling of A New Hope, or about half of it. Features more than a dozen jail cells to investigate and rescue some prisoners besides just Leia.