Dr. Dos here again! The story of "Machinations", "Transporter Etude", and "Ka-blue-key theater" is fascinating one! Demo files, unasked for simplification (perhaps "Machinations" would have been simplified if anybody knew how!), and an unseen puzzle from 1991 that sounds like a predecessor to the likes of Ana (2017) or Bubba's Bubbles.
Tom was the one who was able to provide some scans of early documents. Below we have a personalized order response, a reply to the submission of "Machinations" and an unmentioned "Wierd.ZZT", and another response to his final submissions for the contest.

Some small notes: The order code here matches the one used with Beth's in the previous set of documents. "rdcb" likely standing for "Registered (Town), Dungeons, City, Bundle/Bonus". The bonus world being Caves which was included with any registration of the shareware ZZT. There's a suggestion of a September release date for Super ZZT even at the very end of August. This release window seems to have been missed as October is when the re-branding from Potomac Computer Systems to Epic MegaGames occurred. No copy of Super ZZT with PCS branding is know to exist, and other documents list October 15th as a release date for ZZT v3.1 and Super ZZT.

There's mention of yet another world submitted to the contest, "Wierd.ZZT"! Its contents remain unknown.

Finally, one last thank you for a submission that includes the original "Transporter Etude" and an enclosed copy of the shareware release of Super ZZT.
It's wild to think that so little of the forms and documents related to ZZT were in circulation until this past year. Hopefully as time goes on, more folks from that earliest era of ZZT's history will continue to have more to share with us.