It's a big variety pack as the queue gets crammed full of end-of-year additions. Many thanks to The Mysterious KM for doing some extensive scraping to bring in a whole bunch of new material. Expect another pack on the 31st to clear out any final 2021 new releases, and then yet another on January 1st for STK day!
“HOTwired! Christmas Edition” by Kev Vance (1995)

Program Description
Special edition of The NL's HOTwired!.
HOTXMAS.ZIP is absolutely a filename you'd see as an email attachment in 1995. This is a special issue of The NL ZZT/MZX newsletter of the mid-90s in executable form! Featuring a few reviews of games including Merbotia, and a letdown of an interview with its author that was planned but didn't actually happen.

“Weave 2.2c (Soft)” by WiL (2022)

Program Description
Weave 2.2c is here!
This is the "Soft" Weave, keeping the same logic as ZZT 3.2, bugs and all, but giving you some control over how things look and the quantities associated with items.
Next we have WiL's two variants of his Weave ZZT project. Soft Weave provides the ability to modify the behavior of existing 3.2 worlds via various plaintext files to adjust characters, strings, sounds, item behavior, and so on!

“Weave 2.2e (Firm)” by WiL (2022)

Program Description
Weave 2.2e is here!
This is the "Firm" Weave, using the same code pathways as ZZT 3.2, with fixed bugs, the same control over colors, messages and sounds as SoftWeave, and some expanded options for your ZZT worlds with a few added commands, directions, and other features. Check out FIRMDEMO for more info.
Firmweave meanwhile is an ambitious enhanced ZZT fork that adds support for extra counters, flags, a slew of new commands, and is intended to create brand new ZZT worlds which would be impossible, or convoluted and unfriendly to the programmer and/or newcomers to playing ZZT.
Weave is still under active development and you should definitely use the Weave 2 itch page to make sure you download the latest version!

“School Bhuss Hell” (1994)

A one board game played on the title screen (but saved on a 2nd nearly empty board, oops).
you, the hero, are in hell!!! a place where insane, senile, killer school bus drivers think that they are in control... it's up to you to make them think again!

“Versailles” (1998)

Welcome to Versailles, well known for its mazes, lions, and Sans Undertale room! A simple action game with no text or code in the entire world.

“Zee! - Free Edition” by Dr. Dos (2021)

Some clown crammed Yahtzee into a single ZZT board.

“Christmas Land” by Mark McIntyre (1994)

Santa Claus has been kidnapped by the abominable snowman! It's up to you to cross the North Pole and rescue him!

“Giant Flaming Tree Productions Logo” (2002)

Exactly what it says on the tin. What a great company name and logo. Also includes "Rogue Mini-Toolkit" which contains the relevant pieces for making the logo plus some music.