Chrono Wars 13

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Livestream - Chrono Wars 13

It could only end this way. A celebration (at the local Chuck E. Cheese) of all the inanity this series in one tidy package.

Authored By: Dr. Dos
Published: Aug 1, 2021
Part of Series: Chrono Wars Chronology
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Livestream of the ZZT world "Chrono Wars 13" by Chronos30 (2000)

This is it. The final chapter in the Chrono Wars series. And nothing happens. Explore the space station's Chuck E. Cheese. Dawdle around picking up replacement keys endlessly. Get a huge dump of information setting up a conflict that will never arrive.

It's been quite the journey. And as much as I shake my fist at the many baffling decisions this series has made, you can't help but respect it for making it so far.

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