The NL - Volume 3 Issue 3 (The Mega-PACKED Issue)

Inside: Coolness preview, Outpost Software Business Updates, White Tiger Software Updates, NL NeWz, HOTwired, CRiTiqueX MZX, MZX Cranky Kong Korner

Authored By: Various
Published: Mar 31, 1996
Part of Series: NL
RSS icon

             ║ ── │             March 1996          │ v │ ^ ║
	     ║      ┌──┐  ┌──┐      ┌──┐                    ║
	     ║      │   \ │  │      │  │       The Year of  ║
	     ║      │    \│  │      │  │        MEGAZEUX!   ║
	     ║      │  │\    │      │  │                    ║
	     ║      │  │ \   │ ┌─┐  │  └────┐ ┌─┐           ║
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	     ║     ────────────────────────────────         ║
	     ║                                              ║
	     ║        Volume 3 "Stylin' Profilin"           ║
	     ║                                              ║

ZZT-MZX Newsletter                Issue 3 (The Mega-PACKED issue)

Head Of Staff:  E. CyberBRO

THE STAFF: ChrisK2018, DeadPhrog, Owcp, and welcome STRIKESOFT


			  │ PACK-IN'S include │
        ║ - M.Z.X-tra issue 3 - by E Creator2                     ║
        ║ - PIPEDEMO - from Comthough                             ║
        ║ - Ultrazeux - by Kev Vance                              ║
        ║ - MZXZZT.COM Advertisement thing - by STRIKESOFT        ║

E. CyberBRO: I would like to take some time to welcome STRIKESOFT.  He is our
             new employee for the NL.  You'll be seeing more of him in the

E. CyberBRO: Here's an article from Comthought.

           A is for apple,
           B is for bat,
           C is for.... COOLNESS!!!!!

        COOLNESS, a game that everyone has heard of (that's unless
you've had your head stuck in a hole for the last ten years!). Many
people have received the demo. If you don't have it then E-Mail me
or Spectrum12 and ask for it. Some of you may be wondering why I
(Comthought) am writing this instead Spectrum12. Well, I'll tell you.
It's because we're *GASP* brothers!!!! Let's not get into that at the
moment, though. So, if you want to know anything about COOLNESS then
you can ask me or Spectrum12. Back to the game. It won't have as many
endings as Code Red did. But heck, endings doesn't make a good game. So
far there are about three real endings. At the moment, COOLNESS is
about 208k.
        COOLNESS, at first thought to be three worlds is now cut down
to one world. Also, once I posted a message at the ZZT Central message
board that said: "I'm planning on making a COOLNESS for MZX!" (or
something like that.) Well, if anyone saw that post, then forget it!
I got the first couple of boards done, then I got sick of it and stopped.
Spectrum12 would make COOLNESS a lot bigger, but he says: "I'm getting
sick of working on it!" That's why you've never seen any games come out
before that are done by me or Spectrum12. We always get sick of it, then
quit. But don't worry, he says that he's going to finish COOLNESS 
(one way or the other) and upload it!
        Here's what a lot of you have been waiting for: THE OFFICIAL
RELEASE DATE! I'm proud to announce that the release date is sometime
in the month of February 1996! I'm sure that by the time this issue 
of N.L. is uploaded then COOLNESS will probably already be up in 
the ZZT forum. Oh, well ;-) Spectrum12 asked GJanson if COOLNESS will
be good ebough to be a Software Visions product. GJanson said yes.
When Spectrum12 read the letter that said yes, he was jumping for joy!
Watch out for Spectrum12's COOLNESS, coming soon!

E. CyberBRO: Here's an update from Pfantumb:

I would like to announce a new company. It will be Ultraware, My old company 
that died when my partner just stopped, and my first game series will be 
called Conqeust:Earth.

This is NOT my first game, I am NOT new, I started in the summer of 94. I 
just need a new game to kick off this new company. The platform will be ZZT.
I also am interested in MZX proggramers to help me learn it better(Meaning at
 all). Interpret this into an ad, or something, and put in the NL. Please.

\_/ LT R/\ \/\/ /\ R E

"Insert your motto here."

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--- Sucky Black & White, non-char edit Version of kewl Outpost logo

Outpost Software Business Updates

Okay, here's everything you could ever possible want to know about
Outpost Software, and stuff you probably don't care about, too.

First, the lowdown on my newest-released games:

Super ADVenture - The Journey Home v2.3

   I got a lot of good feedback about this one.  Many people wrote to
tell me this is the best MZX game yet, though I don't really agree.  But
then again, adventure isn't my favorite type of game.  Anyway, some of
you asked for me to update and rewrite ADVenture, the origional game.  I've
got something better than that though, see the previews below.  In
association with ABLO DI Software*.

Diplomacy - The Board Game v1.0

   This is my first go at a board game, and I must say it worked out
pretty well.  Sorta like Monopoply, you gotta drive your opponent
bankrupt, but don't go broke yourself.  Fun.  For two players(and yes,
it works with two players.)

Visual Death v2.1

   This one doesn't have a shareware version, it's commercial.  There's
four screens, the Acid Pit, The Bridge, The Spike Room, and The Crusher.
It's a fighting game, with punches, kicks, flips, fireballs, uppercuts,
and other kewl moves.  For one player only.  In association with
ABLO DI Software*.

And now, the lowdown on my upcoming games:

The Five-Card Hero (Super Chuck version 6.3)

   That's right, those of you who know about this, I'm finally going
public about it.  I've been working on this on and off since before
I released Super Chuck.  It's totally changed, though the same basic
idea: jump on the bad guys, get powerups, and beat the levels.  I've
got world maps, secret levels, a real plot involved, much better
programming techniques, and lots more.  It'll be a while for this one,
say around July at the earliest.

Ski City - The Slopes of Yolanchi

   This one is my first simulation.  Ski down the slopes on a five-ton
cruiser with a few thousand HPs in the back.  Buy rocket boosters and
upgrade parts on your "skis"  But watch out for the obstacles, because
the more you crash, the less prize money for ya at the finish line.
Release date: It's done when I finish it.  I've already done all the code,
just makin' the levels, so not too long.

ADVenture 3 - A True Hero

   The last(sob) chapter in the acclaimed and immortalized ADVenture
series.  The game starts a few months after Super ADVenture(registered)
left off.  You, Dave Galoon(otherwise known as Adventure Dave) are bummed.
You're out of work, your best friend is out to kill you, and worst of all,
you never got to get your revenge on Pyroman(I won't tell what happened,
register Super ADVenture to find out, or wait for me to finish this)
But the features here are amazing- Of course, there's a magic system,
with lotsa spells, but what's so great about that?  The inventory screen
is my most advanced yet.  Click on an item to pick it up or get a close-up
view, and click on one of your weapons(you can have two active at once)
to activate it.   There's over ten weapons here, folks.  And then, the
lighting effects: Each board has it's own palette and char set.  There's
a clock in your inventory(or just press enter to see the hour) As time goes
by, it gets lighter and darker, and different events take place.  You get
tired, shops close, people go to sleep, and demons come out of the woods...
There's some other great stuff too.  I don't want to give it all away here,
but for example, there's a slot machine in the pub(yes, of course there's
a pub, isn't there always?) where you can go to squander money, or win it.
Fair odds, too.  Release date: Yeah, right.  Say, 2020?  That's a safe guess.
Heck, this one's so big I hafta use the SWAP WORLD feature.

Starfleet Academy

   This one's still in the planning stage.  You have just applied
to enter the intergalactic starfleet, and have been sent to the
Starfleet Academy for a training course.  Battle enemy ships, navigate
treacherous parts of space, and fool around with an incredibly detailed
simulation of a space shuttle.  But one false move, and you're shipped
home with an F-, and you grow up to be a nothing, instead of the
commander you should be.  If you graduate, watch the victory celebration,
and then, on to the real thing... but that's for you to find out, not
me to tell.  Release date: I said PLANNING stage.  PLANNING.

Thanks for reading, and remember-

Outpost Software - "We Make Games That Are Fun, Not Flashy!"

THKirk's WTG Update:

   Well, Empire Part I is out, and everybody says it sucks.  Do you know how 
   frustrating that is?  You work your tail off for two or three months and 
   everyone says it sucks.  Oh well, so goes life...  At least the MODs were 
   Obviously Empire Part II is next, but before that will be TAKEOVER.  You 
   are the only survivor of an alien attack.  You have to fight your way
   through your space station and escape back to earth.  Takeover II will 
   have the aliens on earth.  When you see it your probably going to say I 
   took some things from Weirdness.  Well I did,  The inventory thing was
   cool. Who wouldn't want something like that in one of their games.

   another victory for MZX, We've got our own adventure library YAY.  
   Now if there was only games worth DLing from it(except for Empire).
   Omega-D. Just your usual Super Metroid Look alike, except bigger. THKirk's
   words of wisdom.  Just a no point game with dumb jokes and a crazy ending.

  And finally,  I love feedback.  E-Mail me.  I want to know what you think 
about Empire.  What kind of game do you want.  Or if you just want to send a
blank peice of mail. Go ahead, just E-MAIL ME! (oh, sorry).
THKirk. White Tiger Software

             ║ NL │       Nl NeWz NuMbEr FoUr   │ _ │ ■ │ X ║
             ║     ┌──┐  ┌──┐      ┌──┐  as always truely   ║
             ║     │   \ │  │      │  │ fer Windows '95     ║
	     ║     │    \│  │      │  │ (Sorta.)            ║
             ║ JOy!│  │\    │      │  │    Zzt/Mzx reports  ║
	     ║     │  │ \   │ ┌─┐  │  └────┐ ┌─┐ & updates  ║
	     ║     └──┘  └──┘ └─┘  └───────┘ └─┘            ║
	     ║   ────────────────────────────────           ║
             ║         NL NeWz                              ║
             ║ By DeadPhrog of               Newz that don't║
             ║ SHATTERED PERSPECTIVES GAMES   bore you      ║

Welcome to the latest issue of Nl NeWz.  Your source for ZZT/MZX newz, 
updates, and coverage of special events.  (Well, the only event I can think
of is my awards, but I blab about my awards later.)  Kay, lesee, what's been 
happening in the world of ZZT/MZX.  Well, one of the biggest things I've been
noticing is the abandonment of ZZT.  I see more and more people leaving ZZT,
which has been called many things, everything from a burning building to 
entirely boring.  One of the members of my company who doesn't use ZZT said 
this about ZZT games:
"They (ZZT games) are cute, but geeze!"  And I think the only reason he was 
that nice about it was because he recently saw my ZZT game Survival....
Which incendently is finished, and will soon be sent to you all.  Another
thing I have noticed is that I don't know one person who uses Super ZZT.  I
am sorry, Sweeny, but compared to MZX Super ZZT is sorry....  Next topic,
yet another observation.  MZX games are actually getting better!  I'll bet 
you are saying 'Gee what a shock!'  but I am serious.  I think that sure, 
gameplay and graphics are improving, but that's not what I'm talking about.
I am talking about .MODs.  Yes, poeple have actually learned to write their 
own .MODs, instead of using AOL's!  And suprisingly, the are actually good!
I think I have an example.  Sure, we all pretty much agree that Empire leaves
a bit (a pretty big bit) to be desired.  But one thing, the .MODs for it were
pretty good.  I hope I am not mistaken, but I think the games author write 
them.  Ok, on to other things.  About my awards.  I have made a awards 
ceremony.  I asked all of the members of the NL mailing list to send in their
votes for many categories for ZZT, MZX, and Super ZZT.  (Only one category 
for Super ZZT)  Anyway, I am doing something noone in all of ZZT/MZX-dome has
done before.  I am hosting an awards ceremony! That's right, an awards 
ceremony, held in a new thing I made up called, MZXSpace!  Yes, MZXSpace, 
here's the scoop:
I want every who wants to attend to to send me a char to represent them.  
Now, the char must be from the following sizes:
1 char
2 chars 
3 chars 
4 chars
Nominees have gotten special notice, and I have asked them to write an
acceptance speech, and to make it more interactive, I want every attending's 
reaction to someone winning or losing.  I will shorty give everyone a list of 
the nominees, and tell me what you would say, do, or even scream!  Pack 
weapons if you want, but one thing, no one dies, or is injured, unless they 
agree to it.  So, say the nominee is Evan Darrow (for worst game of all time, 
of course) and he wins.  Say that Mimic Pub is there,  they could pull out a
shot gun and blow Darrow away, but only if he agrees to be shot.  Beforehand,
by mail.  But, since neither of those losers will be there, don't worry about 
that scenerio.  If they do come, the bouncers will slowly and painfully 
torture them for the audience's pleasure.  This will only work if we all 
pitch in.  And, come on people, this wil be fun! In fact, I think I will 
invite them, but they will be the entertainment.....
Oh, one other thing, I own all rights to MZXSpace (sorry folks, but I am sick 
of losing my work, very little of the stealing was MZX related, mostly Basic 
code, but don't worry about that) but, if you want to host your own MZXSpace 
event, then just ask!  I'll be glad to let you use the engine.......

OK, that said (again, if you read your mail you already read that) here is 
the nominees list:
Best Action MZX game: STRIKESOFT for Visual Death, Tron
Best RPG MZX game: Clint Neilson for Sivion, Gregory Janson for Zeux II: 
Caverns of Zeux and Weirdness Chapter One and also Zeux IV: Forest of ruin
Best Holiday MZX game: STRIKESOFT's The Santa Saga
Best Shooter MZX game: Ummmm.....
Best Funny No point MZX game: Brian Mcfee for CowQuest, KRohleder2's Joe
and the Wandering Targets
Best Overall MZX game: Clint Neilson for Sivion, Janson's Zeux II: Caverns of
Zeux and Weirdness Chapter One
Best Action ZZT game: Neilson's Sivion Gold, Kohler's Legends
Best RPG ZZT game: Neilson's Sivion Gold, Janson's Mission Enigma
Best Best Holiday ZZT game: Snowballs (I have no idea who wrote this)
Best Shooter ZZT game: Kohler's Yoshi's Road Apple
Best Funny No point ZZT game: NL Aric's Island of the Jerks seris, Psycho 
Software's No Point seris, Kohler's Yoshi Seris
Best Overall ZZT game: Neilson's Sivion Gold
Best Overall SZZT game: The Long Voyage seris by, ummm.... I dunno.

If anyone can fill in blanks for authors or you find some errors, please mail

So, everyone please send me your chars and your reaction for winners and 
losers, anything interesting you want to do, and mebee waepons your are 

Oh, I guess I have probably made this all sound pretty kewl, and I think that
it is.  But, some people don't think it's a good idea.  Everyone is entitled
to their opinion, but I think there isn't very good reason to not support it,
and you guys are going to miss out on a pretty kewl MZXSpace party!!!

And now, it's time to get you up to speed on some of the companies out there
striving to make some kewl games!

Company updates:


Well, last issue I told you about a stand-alone puzzle game created by a SP
member named QP7, which at that time didn't have a name.  Well, now a name
for it has been decided on.  It's name is officially Capsule.  And we have 
convinced QP7 to enhance it, by added .gif files as backrounds to each stage!
And Capsule will be customizable, because you can add your own backrounds!
I have finally finished Survival, and it's all packed and ready to ship, (so
to speak) with a nifty tie in to the MZX RPG I am working on, Cronus Book
One: DreamZ.  You'll have to fight your way through Survival's many 
challanges (shameless plug!) to see how it ties into Cronus!  My C++ is 
coming along nicely, and ZZTorture is coming along quite well.  Next, a
member of my company, Comthought has created and neat little ZZT puzzle game
called PipeLine.  Gee, it seems we are making more and more puzzle games....
what is the world coming to?  Anyway, if you know the current sad state of
ZZT games, you will find PipeLine a refreshing treat.  

ZZTurbo's Z/Z update:
ZZTurbo/ZPower Productions & ZScope '96 updates:
  Nzenik has joined Z/Z.
  ZScope '96 formed.
  ZPower1 has joined ZScope '96.
 ZScope is beginning work on "Wrists in Chains," a Megazeux game coming in
1997.  It's an RPG, but  all ZScope games are RPGs.  "Orb of Oblivion"
is coming in late 1996/early 1997, "Dragon's Eye" is coming in 1997, and
"Clash of Magic" (programmed with C++) is coming in 1998.


ECreator2's Helios Update:
Here's some news, Helios Entertainment is having a growth spurt. ULTRASOFT
joind in Helios, MAJJSoft joinded in and several new members. Making the
total members in Helios around 20. Slimed has grown to become a large project
but others like, Megazeux Secrets and M.Z.X-tra 3 are still going on. X-Box
is still due out in December, for those of you that don't know, X-Box is a
Megazeux/ZZT style game. E-Mail me for the press release thing I put on the
Message Boards. Finally, Helios is now divided due to an influx of new
members, Helios Entertainment is now:

Helios Software - MZX/ZZT
MAJJSoft - MZX/ZZT Windows
Reality Box - Dos, Windows

Thank you for your time,
__    _
 | he \ reator
Founder of Helios Entertainment
Since 1993

Well that's it for this month's Nl NeWz!!!!

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                           All You Don't Need To
                           Know About Everything

By Kevin Vance
President of QuasiSoft
or just plain Kev Vance on AOL

JUST A TINY BIT OF WEIRDNESS:  Since everybody and their brothers are
probably writing about SV's new game, WEIRDNESS, I won't.  Remember
UltraZeux, though?  Wonder what it really looks like?  It's packed in
with the NewsLetter.

ZZT / MZX CLONE:  I'm really swamped with projects right now, including my
tutorial on how to mercilessly HexEdit ZZT files, my 3D game, and a 4-player
airplane game.  Anyone really want me to write another clone?
Personally, no matter how great it is, I think even putting MZX out may
have been a mistake, because it leaves only snerts to make ZZT games.
Apparently, all the good MZX developers (excluding StrikeSoft [who always
goes first ] and a few others) are still "testing" the capabilities of it.

KEWL MZX ERROR:  When you're editing a robot, go to the last line and type
;.  Just a semi-colon messes up your program.  Depending on how much
memory you have, you could be trapped in a never-ending hell of errors!!!

See the web page for a picture.  

Games to look out for:
Mostly anything in the ZZT area sucks.  There aren't any good
downloads there :(

Games to get:
Nothing new yet...  The MZX library on AOL isn't back when I was
selecting games.

Usage:  KEVVANCE.EXE [-b] [-y] [-e] [everyone]
-b your self
-y am I doing this?
-e too, Brutay
everyone includes you.

The MZX Critic
By Brian Palmer

░▒▓I love to tear apart the "perfect" games▓▒░

Welcome to the first issue of CRiTiqueX MZX, by me, Brian Palmer.
This is where you can find out what's good, what's bad, and what's plain
scary in Megazeux.  This issue is extra long, but starts at the start,
with Caverns of Zeux.  If you have a game to review, tell me where to find
it or send it to me.  I'm fair and impartial, so don't get mad at any
ratings.  I tried to make these as informational as possible, but not to
very long.  See the ratings format below.

   STRIKESOFT           On America OnLine
   STRIKESOFT@AOL.COM   On the I-net

Note that unless the game is very obviously very bad, I beat it at 
least 3 times before I write the review.  This helps me judge just how 
good the game is, and helps me find bugs.  So yes, all reviewed games 
ARE beatable.  Except sometimes the ones with a Z rating or lower.

A debatable topic: I decided NOT to review my own games.  I am very fair
when I do such, but I figure no matter how unbiased I am, some hothead
will say that I'm giving MY games high ratings.  And I probably would,
because I never upload a game that I don't personally like.  But I love
to tear apart ANY game, including mine, so the ratings WOULD be fair.
If you would like to see me review my own games in the future, just drop
me a quick note at the above address.  If I get more than one or two
of you supporting the idea, I'll give it a try.

\/\/\Okay, an explanation of the ratings format:/\/\/

Game - The name of the game
The author and the company
The type of game
Freeware, Shareware, or Commercial
   Where you can find the game
\/\Here's where I rip it apart, and tell the story/\/

Note - All ratings are from 0 to 10 stars

Graphics: The quality of the ANSI art and animation
Sound: The quality of the music and sound fx
Control: How easy it is to control your character and learn how to play
Beta Testing: How much time did they spend getting rid of bugs?
Fun Factor: More importantly, how FUN is this thing?
Technology: Did they introduce many new, kewl features?
      Note- The following three are to help you decide whether the game is
      at your skill level
   Brains: From Darrow to Einstein, how much thinking goes on while playing?
   Brawn: How good is your dexterity?  This rates how much you'll use it
   Difficulty: How hard is this thing?
Overall rating: From A+ to Z-, this rates the game overall
Let's start from the beginning:

Game - Zeux ][ - Caverns of Zeux
Gregory Janson, Software Visions
Adventure Game
   With Megazeux
\/\First of all, you could make this game in ZZT, with a few less features.
It shows very little command of the language, which is strange coming
from the guy who wrote the language.  It's like the President of the
United States able to speak fluent Arabic, but barely any English.
It just doesn't work out.  You all've played this one, so no need to
take up space./\/

Graphics: **** 4
Sound: *** 3
Control: ***** 5
Beta Testing: ********* 9
Fun Factor: *** 3
Technology: ** 2
   Brains: *** 3
   Brawn: ****** 6
   Difficulty: ***** 5
Overall Rating: B-

Game - Weirdness, Chapter I
Gregory Janson, Software Visions
Adventure Game
   FTP: as WEIRD1.ZIP and W1_MOD.ZIP
\/\I put this right after Caverns to show that though Greg may have flopped
his first game, he's still a great gamer.  Weirdness is one of very
best.  THE best in terms of graphics.  Great cinematics.  Fun game.
Object oriented.  You'll learn the plot as you go along.  Short, but sweet.
As a special bonus, it's unlocked.  My one complaint: WAY too easy./\/

Graphics: ******** 8
Sound: ****** 6
Control: ****** 6
Beta Testing: ******** 8
Fun Factor: ******** 8
Technology: ***** 5
   Brains: **** 4
   Brawn: * 1
   Difficulty: *** 3
Overall Rating: A

Game - Empire Trilogy Chapter I: Discovery
Kev Vance, White Tiger
Adventure Game
   MZX/ZZT Online adventure game library
   PC Gaming Forum
\/\A good attempt, but doesn't quite make it.  Though the plot's pretty good,
there's just not enough time put into this one.  A lot of bugs.  You play
the part of Timothy Reich, as you try to find your medallion.  Though
it's not a great game, it shows skill.  I'll be watching for more from
Kev.  Oh, one question, Kev.  What's this got to do with an Empire?/\/

Graphics: *** 3
Sound: ***** 5
Control: **** 4
Beta Testing: ** 2
Fun Factor: *** 3
Technology: * 1
   Brains: ** 2
   Brawn: *** 3
   Difficulty: * 1
Overall Rating: B-

Game - Blue Buckaroo
Author ???, Company ???
Adventure(?) game
   PC Gaming Forum
\/\I don't know much about this game, because I played it for about
10 seconds before I saw that it was crap left over from ZZT before Greg
Janson.  Horrible, Terrible, and a lot of unprinable words is how it 
is best described./\/

Graphics: * 1
Sound: 0
Control: * 1
Beta Testing: * 1
Fun Factor: 0
Technology: 0
   Brains: * 1
   Brawn: * 1
   Difficulty: * 1
Overall Rating: Uhh... is there anything lower than Z-?

Game - Starforce: Space Adventure
MegaKev, Company ???
Adventure Game
   MZX/ZZT Online top picks library
\/\Ahh... a good game.  Though MegaKev has disappeared.  Starforce puts you
in charge of an intergalactic cruiser, where you discover what happened
to a small planet and a large base.  Fun game, but you have to be careful
to play it exactly as MegaKev planned you to, or you'll run into major
bugs.  One of the first of the great MZX games./\/

Graphics: ***** 5
Sound: ****** 6
Control: *** 3
Beta Testing: ** 2
Fun Factor: ****** 6
Technology: *** 3
   Brains: **** 4
   Brawn: *** 3
   Difficulty: **** 4
Overall Rating: A-

Game - Blue Buckaroo ][: The Sequel
Author ???, Company ???
Adventure Game
   PC Gaming Forum
\/\AAAAUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!  Need I say more?/\/

Graphics: * 1
Sound: 0
Control: * 1
Beta Testing: * 1
Fun Factor: 0
Technology: 0
   Brains: * 1
   Brawn: * 1
   Difficulty: * 1
Overall Rating: ZZZZZZZZ

Game - Link's Chaotic Adventure Preview
E CyberBRO, *CongoSoft*
Adventure Game
   Email - or E CyberBRO on AOL
\/\I gotta be careful on this one, the author writes this magazine.  Though
it was up-to-date when CyberBRO wrote Link, it has now fallen behind because
he's spent so much time on it.  My suggestion is that you do a complete
rewrite and update everything.  A good game, though.  Play the part of Link
as you try to figure out what's going on in your strange town./\/

   Special Note- I know this is just a preview, but it was long enough for
   me to make a good review about it.

Graphics: *** 3
Sound: 0
Control: **** 4
Beta Testing: ******* 7
Fun Factor: ****** 6
Technology: * 1
   Brains: *** 3
   Brawn: ***** 5
   Difficulty: ***** 5
Overall Rating: B

Game - Freaktown
ZZTurbo, ZPower Productions
Adventure Game
   Email - or ZZTurbo on AOL
\/\A very small game.  Never seen one quite like it.  All takes place in
the city of Freaktown.  There's hidden passages, the like.
I'm not too hyped up about reviewing the sequel.  I can say that much.
The Plot:  Defeat a nasty pirate and discover an ad for a sequel./\/

Graphics: *** 3
Sound: ** 2
Control: **** 4
Beta Testing: ******* 7
Fun Factor: *** 3
Technology: *** 3
   Brains: ** 2
   Brawn: ** 2
   Difficulty: * 1
Overall Rating: B-

So here's the top three games for this issue:

1. Weirdness Chapter 1 by Gregory Janson of Software Visions
2. Starforce: Space Adventure by MegaKev
3. Link's Chaotic Adventure Preview by E CyberBRO of *CongoSoft*

C'mon, somebody out there can beat Greg.  See if it's you.  Get those games

For instructions to get to the MZX/ZZT Online forum, run the included

E. CyberBRO: I like to say thanks for the review, STRIKESOFT and thank you
for your CriTiqueX MZX.  Though to everybody here, I don't want to spoil too
much of the game while it's still in development.  Hopefully it will be
finished soon.

(Note: My previous company name *CongoSoft* or rather *KongoSoft* has been
changed to -=|Time Tech Foundation|=-.  The you will see the TTF logo when
the game is loaded on the final release.)

                         -=*| MZX Cranky Kong Korner |*=-
                                  By E. Cyberbro

(Heck!  Notice the change in name.  I like that dude in Donkey Kong Country 2)

NAME: Wierdness Chapter I 
AUTHOR: Greg Janson
COMPANY: Software Visions
PACKAGE SIZE: 65K or around 400K worth of MODS

YOWZA!!  He does it again.  With his programming skills (And the fact that
he invented Megazeux) he's pulled of a short but fantastic game.  Hope you
have some Mission: Enigma type skills.  Finding stuff and doing stuff with it.
If you saw in STRIKESOFT's review earlier you can find this game at his web
site.  Download it NOW!  It's a must.

(Heck, forget ZZT!  I'm getting sick of critiquing them darn games.  Let them
no good non-talented creators stick with ZZT as hardly any of em' recieved a
decent grade.)

Oh yea.  Sorry for the one review.  Megazeux is temporary being taken off for
the construction for it's own library finally.  Can't wait!

That's it for this issue of the NL, stay tuned for the April issue of the NL.

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