This is what I get for not wrapping up this pack at the start of the month as I intended! Now we have two pages of uploads and I already need to get to work on the next one of these. This at least would've been out a little earlier were it not for a surprise migraine.
Oktrollberfest's remaining games are overdue at this point anyway.
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“Tour of Lunar Designs” by MAkev, SkyWalkRo (1999)

A magazine world focused on short previews of a number of games. Most of which like The Legend of Pikachu are already preserved, but we do get a look at a sci-fi title called Space: Space Station 37 which hasn't been seen before and seemed kind of fun.

“Anarchy” by HHZ (1997)

Sex Pistols fan game? I guess. You are Johnny Rotten and one of your albums has been stolen. Also a building is on fire and a child is about to be thrown out the window. Please catch the baby and then rescue the parent, but don't be betrayed!

“Audvisio” (1997)

A very cute adventure game. You crash land on a planet and have to help its inhabitants out around town to gain their respect and access to new areas. Shame it's unfinished! This one has a lot of charm for being so slight, and really won the audience over on stream.

“The World of Joe Shmoe” by Shadow9600

You have amnesia and need to figure out who you are and what your mission is. A tale of corporate espionage, computer training, and avoiding traffic. Lots of cool ideas like a visual depiction of your inventory on certain city screens, but flag and code issues prevent it from being played without cheats to bypass them. Very ambitious, and had it been able to be played through without cheats, I think this would be one to remember.

“Grand Theft Auto ZZT” by ZZTechno (2003)

A very short demo of a GTA game with some interesting priorities. You'll spend most of your time showering, cooking, and dressing yourself than committing any crimes. Not a single car in the game either!

“Thug 2: Thug of the Jungle” by Brian McFee, Keebler

Okay, now we have Thug 2 and Thug 3 so that's good. The Thug origin story remains a mystery though.
While it sounds like it's going to be another crime-themed game, Thug is more like Ugg, or specifically like George of the Jungle with a pet lion (Fluffy) captured by poachers that needs to be rescued. A short action game with lots of forests and water.

“Crim” by A$$A$$IN (2003)

A well made GTA-inspired game that's a little bit out there which is fun, but also a little bit problematic with some unfortunate stereotypes of generic middle easterners.
A silly prison escape, some wild moments like ricocheting shot glass to kill guards, and the revelation that the curry is people would make this an easy recommend were it not for the moments.

“Butchenstein 2D” by Nate Warren (1995)

A Wolfenstein 3D inspired action title. Break out of a prison camp and find freedom, taking down every you meet along the way. Very straightforward and lacking in much detail, but it plays fine at least.

“Blade Runner: The Blade Takers” by Michael Joe Braun

Just like the movie, your roller blades are missing and you get harassed by a bunch of students at the local elementary school. Avant garde? Probably not. A very strange game with very little to it.

“Beast Wars Trilogy” by Keith Seper (1997)

Inspired by various ZZT superhero worlds, this series of games features an ever changing cast of characters as you fight various villains on each board with helpful labeling telling you who you are currently. The series slowly gets more complex as it goes, eventually getting some trippy-lite visuals thanks to STK providing unusual color combinations.

“ZZTorture 1.01” by DeadPhrog (2024)

A tiny "update" to a previous Oktrollberfest entry to inject a hint into finding a proper submission for this year's contest. Otherwise still the same, exploring a strange collection of giant bones and swimming pools in a newbie-game parody world.

“Awful Dates Done Quick: Samantha's Heart Freely Flies Away” by RT-55J (2024)

Well obviously this is a dating sim. Clearly you go on various speed dates and nothing happens on the way to the event and you certainly don't find yourself Isekai-ed into the Goodfry Gadfly world and have to fight a giant bird that's plaguing its insect citizens. That would be really weird if that was what the game was about right?

“d” by Kaddar (2024)

Program Description
Oktrollberfest 2024 submission
An exercise in one-dimensional thinking. A comedic puzzle adventure where you quit your job and a series of unfortunate events leads to you hopping between universes trying to start a new life where you haven't accidentally killed anyone. Really great use of boards that are a single tile tall with a surprising amount of unique puzzles and engines created for such a restrictive format.

“The Case of the Banged-up Banana Truck, pt. 2: October Song” by Ezektiel Ewell (2024)

Program Description
Case of the Banana Truck Part 2: October Song
For Otrollberfest 2024
To Play use dosbox to Run the ZZT.EXE
There the cats out of the bag Hope your happy
A sequel to the previous Banana Truck game. Explore all the locations of the previous game, some time after the previous game's events have unfolded. Discover what survives and what doesn't in a world whose purpose has long since been served.