The Rise of New Mario ZZT Stuff V1.4 WARIO VS SCAPELI

"Wario must fight to get back his castle and his woods from the evil Scapeli and his goons. But this may prove easier than he initially thought when Scapeli hires the Ogre Brothers to guard the Goomba Gold Tooth, a rare relic. Final game in the new Mario zzt lineup"
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- Overview
- warionewmariostufftext.txt
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
WARIO14.ZZT | 2022-08-19 06:37:24 |
8 | N | 971109674 | 21.4 KB | 88.1 KB |
warionewmariostufftext.txt | 2022-08-11 23:59:16 |
8 | N | 953347495 | 170 bytes | 241 bytes |
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