You are Joe the Apprentice, and something has just gone very wrong... Help Professor Bigbrains correct the timeline and defeat the evil wizard XALTON. Your only weapon is the Ray of H.O.P.E. (hopidron outwards particle emitter), powered by ängelberries. Kevin Vance transcribed some classic C64 music to ZZT, while Lipid wrote the original music. Ray of H.O.P.E. was created in 24 hours for the autumn 2001 24 Hours of ZZT.
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- Overview
- 3e8_roh.zzt
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
3e8_roh.zzt | 2005-04-08 22:48:22 |
8 | N | 2623994753 | 18.2 KB | 86.0 KB |
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