Mystical Winds Encyclopedia v1.2

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- Overview
- MW Quick Reference.doc
- MW Tips & Tricks.doc
- mwencv12.txt
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
$MWENC_A.ZZT | 2002-02-03 15:42:12 |
8 | N | 2390454605 | 22.4 KB | 138.4 KB |
$MWENC_B.ZZT | 2002-02-03 15:35:42 |
8 | N | 3977411660 | 22.9 KB | 125.6 KB |
$MWENC_C.ZZT | 2002-02-04 05:53:54 |
8 | N | 1895829127 | 34.8 KB | 161.9 KB |
MW Quick Reference.doc | 2002-02-04 06:17:42 |
8 | N | 3384920250 | 4.5 KB | 28.5 KB |
MW Tips & Tricks.doc | 2002-02-03 17:37:40 |
8 | N | 1316088787 | 4.5 KB | 25.0 KB |
mwencv12.txt | 2002-02-04 06:55:38 |
8 | N | 1253594702 | 213 bytes | 353 bytes |
File Navigation (with a file selected)
- Shift + +/J: Next file
- Shift + -/K: Previous file
- +/J: Next board
- -/K: Previous board
- Numpad 2/4/6/8: Follow board connection
- Double click on a passage () to travel to its destination
- W - World tab
- B - Board tab
- E - Element tab
- S - Stat tab
- P - Preferences tab
- Shift + B - Toggle high intensity backgrounds (blinking)