ZZT Music Maker

ZZTMuzMak is a program that allows your to create ZZT music in a .MOD-like setting. It will export to #play code, which you can then import into your games. It does not many features, but if manipulated correctly, it can be used to export other kinds of ZZT code as well.
Audio formats are not yet supported
Video formats are not yet supported
- Overview
- zzt/MuzMak.exe
- zzt/MuzMak.txt
- zzt/MuzMakHelp.txt
- zzt/song01.muz
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
zzt/MuzMak.exe | 1999-11-08 19:44:12 |
8 | N | 3304948337 | 9.5 KB | 32.0 KB |
zzt/MuzMak.txt | 2000-04-18 16:21:16 |
8 | N | 620015406 | 452 bytes | 820 bytes |
zzt/MuzMakHelp.txt | 2000-04-18 16:13:40 |
8 | N | 1695145238 | 285 bytes | 532 bytes |
zzt/song01.muz | 1999-11-08 20:22:38 |
8 | N | 2259161476 | 151 bytes | 402 bytes |
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- Shift + B - Toggle high intensity backgrounds (blinking)