When the 'world' is loaded the 'dice' starts to move and if it gets stuck next to a number consider that this number has been drawn. But if you want to draw more numbers just press 'P' to restart the draw. It may rarely happen that the 'dice' is blocked without being next to a number. In this case consider that the draw failed and repeat the 'game'.
Audio formats are not yet supported
Video formats are not yet supported
- Overview
- dicev1.zzt
- dice.brd
- dicev1.txt
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
dice.brd | 2023-07-21 22:11:40 |
8 | N | 1037631946 | 232 bytes | 584 bytes |
dicev1.txt | 2023-07-21 22:01:40 |
8 | N | 730602962 | 404 bytes | 713 bytes |
dicev1.zzt | 2023-07-21 23:05:40 |
8 | N | 3395827511 | 280 bytes | 1.6 KB |
File Navigation (with a file selected)
- Shift + +/J: Next file
- Shift + -/K: Previous file
- +/J: Next board
- -/K: Previous board
- Numpad 2/4/6/8: Follow board connection
- Double click on a passage () to travel to its destination
- W - World tab
- B - Board tab
- E - Element tab
- S - Stat tab
- P - Preferences tab
- Shift + B - Toggle high intensity backgrounds (blinking)