The Bloomy Prequel: Legend of Bloomy and Rallassa the Cat Magicians

"A demo version of what will be an incredible tale of how Bloomy and Rallassa saved each others lives, and their entire kingdom of Feloria. Will feature hilariously large drawn bosses that move, and other cool special effects. Unlike the other Bloomy game, this one has zero to do with poetry, and will become more of a unique way of storytelling by means of watching, reading, and only getting your fur befuzzled and knee-deep in the action only at certain times in the game"
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- Overview
- bloomyprequeldemotext.txt
Filename | Mod. Date | Comp. | Dir. | CRC-32 | Compressed Size | Decompressed Size |
BLOOMSP1.ZZT | 2022-08-21 03:43:08 |
8 | N | 2017024520 | 9.2 KB | 22.7 KB |
bloomyprequeldemotext.txt | 2022-08-09 10:11:16 |
8 | N | 2522903686 | 384 bytes | 627 bytes |
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