Wayne's Adventures Demo
REVIEW OF WAYNEAD.ZZT Graphics: 5 Gameplay: 4 Creativity: 4 Sound/Music: 4 Length: 4 Difficulty: 3 Quality: 3 Overall: 3.86
Interesting game! It seems to fall into the same mystery adventure genre as Legend of Zelda. I loved the use of an overhead map. Too bad there is only a single episode to play.
While the engine is pretty decent and the gameplay is creative, overall my socks weren't completely knocked off. Thus I gave 4's instead of 5's in many categories.
The author needs to learn proper spelling and punctuation, too. It didn't have the worst grammar I've seen, but the quality rating suffered anyway.
Do I want to play more episodes? You bet.
This was a simply great game. It had me addicted until I finished. I only had a couple problems with the game. Problem-O-Meter 5- extremly annoying 4 3- irritating 2 1- mild pest
Shooting: 3 There was only one shot allowed at a time. I understand the reason for this, but it often gets annoying when you miss and have to wait until it hits the other side. Also, the game feels like you have unlimited ammo(which you don't). I found at one point I had no ammo and had to restart from the begining. There were VERY few objects that would give you ammo when killed. I would suggest an infinite ammo engine that would pause when you shot. (something like:
give ammo 1
/i#take ammo 1 /i/i/i/i
gems:2 When shot, gems disapear. This led to a shortage at the end for me. I eventually learned the point to stop shooting, but it would make it easier for the player to make them objects like the hearts. Also, the object that checked if I had enough games to pass didn't tell me how many I needed to pass. This could be annoying for the player to go to it with many gems and not know how many it needs before he should return to that point.
Luckily these didn't subtract much from the gameplay and I give it a 4
I wont call it bad by any means. It was a satisfactory Game. Perhaps just add a couple of tweaks, and I'd give it four.
Catfriedrice's superiour knowledge of programming is what made this game so enjoyable. He has given ZZT its best Zelda clone to date and the finished product has topped my list of most anticipated games. His creative, intelligent, and challenging characters made this game pure joy. The sound effects are true to the real game. The only two peeves were the neon color choices were not fit out for a dungeon atmosphere, and the music after defeating the guardian of sound sounded like a test of the emergency broadcast system. All in all, a worthwhile download and pure fun.
What is this, like CFR's first game?
It's seriously not as bad as it looks from the outset. Sure, the graphics are horrible, and the gameplay is shooting a bunch of things, but I found a certain zelda_1 nostalagia from it. The map was definetly a nice touch. And I'm waiting for the next parts.
One thing, though. If somehow the graphics could be improved at least a little better, add a few easter eggs, it might be rated more.
hell with it.