Warlock's Unfinished Games

65.6 KB
No rating
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Board Count
74 / 94
Submitted By
7 months ago (Jul 19, 2024)
Bug Report, Content Warning

This feedback was submitted prior to publication of this file and may not reflect its current contents

As a series of incomplete games, there are of course several bugs, unused items, unfinished boards, passage errors, etc.

Simply put if you are playing this one, use a modern source port with a board changing cheat, and have the games open in the Museum file viewer or an editor.

As for the Content Warnings...

BAT2.ZZT - The bottom holding cell's prisoner is named @Rapist . No other mention to said crime is made. They give the player a key in exchange for the battery found in their cell which sets the unfortunately named flag rapekey .

JAZZT.ZZT - A green guard blocking access to four locked doors demands players tell them who they are or what the password is. Playing out the conversation gives players the chance to say their name is "Clark Gay Bo". Selecting this option results in an "Ewwwww!!!" response, objects shooting the player, and the guard referring to this as gay bashing.

LIGHTER.ZZT - You can find a nude photo of yourself, show it to a woman to seduce her, and then she passes out from excitement. The game then says "Now's your chance!" and that's when I closed to the window and moved on to something else.

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