War Cave

35.9 KB
1.88 / 5.00
(4 Reviews)
Board Count
8 / 35
Submitted By
THe helper
21 years, 6 months ago (Aug 28, 2003)

OKay To get in the cave you must first one the first borad touch some water 5 times Good trick HE put in there but still little bugs I hope his next game is better

2.00 / 5.00


Submitted By
21 years, 6 months ago (Aug 27, 2003)

The game did not get a good start. The readme was very badly organized, and did not tell ANYTHING about that game. I didn't let it throw me off.

I open up the game in ZZT, and title screen wasn't half bad, and neither were the graphics in the first 3 boards. I am amazed that Zephyr even got into the cave - I did not have the patience to open the editor and fix the object.

Oh, and not to mention the intro scroll asking to pay for the game. ;)

However... the decent graphics got the game the .5.

0.50 / 5.00
Submitted By
cool guy 256
21 years, 6 months ago (Aug 26, 2003)

WHOA THERE"S Ten eniginf in this game how Is TRavis Going to do this is it possible good graphics stopy line is cool Cenipeds not good but you have to get Exp!! ANyways This games looks like it might be good I enjoy the first part I want to see the rest as of october 12 but I also E-mailed him and he says; I don't know if i'll finsih it I might give up but if I quit I'll let every one know but also I'm known to leave work but finsh it also I starting a new game called vital... SO look for travis's vital If you liked this one It sound cool

4.50 / 5.00


Submitted By
21 years, 6 months ago (Aug 26, 2003)

This game looked innocent enough when I downloaded it and loaded it in ZZT. Then, the intro started. .

I am really starting to believe that 96% of all ZZTers are illiterate after playing so many games. This was a prime example. The intro went something like this: "There was a magical king who had two sons there names were matt and carl Matt was good and had good spells and did good things like repairing the hole in the ozone layer! Carl was the other son evil and had evil powers and did evil things like put the hole in the ozone layer! One day Carl killed his dad and kicked Matt out of the castle and set up a wall so poeple couldnt get in the wall and it was a magical wall, so not even people with magic could get in the wall, until the good wizard came and then Carl remembered Matt.


Keep in mind, that was what, Three sentences?!

So, I pressed "P" anyways, hoping that maybe the game would still be "ok." I found bugs. Lots of Bugs. Lots And Lots of bugs. Sure the first few boards had pretty good graphics, And also had a SHOCKING resemblence to Warlord's Temple. So, I couldn't get in the cave without reprogramming an object to set a flag. Nevertheless, I fixed it and went in the cave. MORE BUGS! Obviously, He doesn't understand transporters. The puzzle was impossible without ZAP. I made it through, (ungh) and went to the next board. Well, I tried, but the boards weren't lined up. I went thru editor and put myself on the next board.

A slider Puzzle! Yay! ungh. I got the end of the puzzle, just for an object to say, "You didn't get enoufu Gmeas and Hot lavas fell down frum the roof and fell on you and you died." #endgame.

I hate this game

Next board had a clever object transporter puzzle, which would have been impressive if it didn't have bugs that ruined it. I beat it, Using ZAP, and went to the next board. PROBLEM! The board link was off and just sent you to the other side of the same board. MORON!

I stopped in frusturation about here.

So, I don't know what the guy above me is talking about. He's one of the illiterate ZZTers I mentioned earlier.

0.50 / 5.00

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