Submitted By
1 year, 4 months ago (Nov 09, 2023)
Content Warning

Edible Vomit is all about drug use and drug addiction. The protagonist is a drug addict named Freddy who seeks the "perfect drug". He opens the game by taking methamphetamine (referred to by the less common term "methadrine") that may have been "laced" (purposefully tainted) and then suffering a bad "trip" (drug-induced hallucination) that persists throughout the game. The text and graphics for this scene explicitly depict him using a syringe to inject his meth into his veins, complete with using a strap to make his veins easier to find. A later scene depicts him snorting an object through a straw as if it were cocaine. He meets other drug addicts during the game, which include a child addicted to marijuana who wastes away without it, a homeless person who spent all their money on drugs, and a heroin addict on the verge of death. The story ends with Freddy, having finally met the dealer who has the "perfect drug", having a change of heart and giving up drugs because he has seen and experienced the pain and suffering that addiction can cause. He resolves to stay clean from now on, regardless of the damage his addiction has done to him.

The world also has adult content unrelated to drugs; this includes strong profanity and abstract depictions of blood and gore.

Submitted By
7 years, 8 months ago (Jun 27, 2017)

drac0 blows away the usual expectations of his works in this jaw-droppingly beautiful game. The graphics reach artwork levels not just once but at multiple points. One has to appreciate the amount of work put into their creation even with STK! <br /> <br /> Plot-wise drac0 takes a cue from other oracles of oddity like our late Flimsy Parkins: start off somewhat normally, go 'off the rails' until you're not quite sure what's happening at first, through a series of trippy mental and graphical gymnastics, then finally back onto reality. You'll enjoy the ride all the while and actually come to like the main character like he's an old buddy of yours. When you go 'aww' at the end that's the sign of a masterpiece. <br /> <br /> I can only give the game 4 out of 5 for desperately needing a spellcheck. Even so Edible Vomit was a trip well worth taking and one I recommend to any ZZT fan young or old.

4.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
16 years, 10 months ago (May 15, 2008)

Have a platinum one instead! :) This game seriously kicks serious ass. I have a question for you though, Why do I all of the sudden have the feeling your a exdruggie? Don't answer that. anyways, excellent job who knows.

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
Chris Allen
19 years, 4 months ago (Nov 08, 2005)

Graphics: 5 Gameplay: 3 Creativity: 4 Sound/Music: 5 Length: 5 Difficulty: 5 Quality: 2 Overall: 4.14

A very different kind of game. Lots of work went into this...perhaps too much. It's got a nice meaningful purpose to it (not immediately obvious from the opening story). Not much in the way of gameplay; it's pretty much all RPG that makes little use of ZZT's advanced features.

Well-paced. Outstanding graphics--trippy would be an understatement. I did notice that proper punctuation apers two hv fallan bye th weighsidde; this explains the low quality score. Otherwise, good job.

4.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
21 years, 1 month ago (Feb 02, 2004)

This was a GREAT game. When I was downloading it, and when I started to play it, I thought it would be a (pardon the rudeness) stupid game. However, near the end I was really starting to like it. I won't spoil the fun of playing it. Before I go on telling you how GREAT the game was, here's some info: Don't read "v0mitsg.txt" first. That file is the hints/spoilers. (yes I know that was kind of random) Now, back to the greatness of this game! The game was pretty well written (with some spelling errors), and although it does have some unnecessary space, the theme just really struck me.

Seriously, You should play this game. At least try it out. I was SO glad that I tried it out, that I am going to get a Klondike(r) bar. ::goes and gets one:: ::eats it:: Yum! Boy that was good!!!.

PS: If you are an emotional drug addict, this could actually help you quit.

Rating - 4.8 out of 5, but I round UP to...

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
I still thinking of a code nam
21 years, 4 months ago (Nov 09, 2003)

This Game is note only Accurate but fun This is what Would have happend if This did happend Nice Job Drac!

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
21 years, 5 months ago (Oct 01, 2003)

This is the greatest ZZT game. Ever. No, it doesn't have any GROUNDBREAKING ENGINES or ADVANCED GRAPHICS (in zzt, HEE. PARADOX!) etc, but it's FUN AS HELL. And...yes. DIE.

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years ago (Mar 17, 2003)

It's so cool, feels so good... the graphics are weird, but that's the whole POINT of them! Sweet puzzles and a cool main character. One of the best... ten or maybe five ZZT games ever.

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 6 months ago (Aug 29, 2002)

Edible Vomit endures as my favourite ZZT game of all time. It has a depth which one generally does not come to expect from drac0, taking Teen Priest and other such games as an example.

You are Freddy the Ferret, a rodent heroin junkie on the quest for the perfect drug, wandering through a trippy (and superbly drawn) ZZT world. Along the way you will administer marijuana to a rabbit, steal a toke from a nine-year-old, yell at a 'wounded wanker,' and bash hell out of a statue of a child, using a hammer.

Typical drac0ism? Not so. As you near the end of the game it becomes very clear that there is some very deep meaning here. Whilst not exactly subtle it is nevertheless very effective; the use of drugs is finally called into question.

With basic but appropriate and effective music, superb (and in my opinion anachronistic) graphics, and a very emotive storyline interwoven with the drac0isms we all know and hate/love, Edible Vomit is without a doubt one of the greatest ZZT games ever made.

And, hell, you've got to love a game starring a rat named Stinky who does too many white lines and likes doing weird stuff to dead guys.

5.00 / 5.00

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