Campaign Against SZZT

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(2 Reviews)
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2 / 2
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1 year ago (Jan 22, 2024)

Campaign Against SZZT is an information world, clearly slapped together in a short time, in which the creator tries to start a campaign urging fellow America Online users to boycott Super ZZT and switch to ZZT, in a community already centered around ZZT and years after Super ZZT bombed on its initial release without any sort of boycott involved. It includes a litany of reasons not to use Super ZZT from the legitimate (only 33 boards max compared to 101, not much use for the larger board sizes) to the petty (Bears are gone! Water is replaced with lava!), spiced up with the occasional joke (such as a reference to a then-current AT&T ad). Ironically, none of these include the inability to use the editor without an obscure command line argument, which was the actual main reason Super ZZT failed, as the argument in question ("/e") was widespread community knowledge at this point. This info is delivered entirely in capital letters with rampant typos, starting with spelling "campaign" as "campain" [sic]. The clearest sign this world was made in a rush, however, is that it was released without a title screen, so loading it greets you with the default yellow borders of a newly-created world without even a title or byline, leaving both of these to the world itself (with the author credit buried in a scroll).

It's easy to see why this world briefly became a meme when it was rediscovered in 2021, even before it got ported to several other engines (starting with Super ZZT itself), with lines such as "Remember this special bear?? The good bear???" being referenced in worlds created that year. Check this one out at least once for a curious laugh, and remember: don't eat chicken on Mondays at 7:00.

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Submitted By
2 years, 3 months ago (Oct 30, 2022)

a classic

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