SuperZZT Encyclopedia 1A
First off, I know that many things that are useable from the ZZT encylopedia can be applied to SZZT.
In many ways this is a very good utility for SZZT although I think it's lacking on many fronts. There are some very useful things here, ones that exploit the form of SZZT. I was particually impressed with the credits engine, which while simple, is very effective. The side scroller equally so, and with SZZT, it can actually be called a side scroller.
It's very informative on the use of the Z flag, and tells how to make clever use of the Hint command. It also details a new message in SZZT :enter, which is sent when the player enters the board for the first time. On these cases, the encylopedia is very useful.
Other such idea such as same board passages, are already common knowledge, but certainly help the beginner. The descriptions of some of the new features and monsters in SZZT is very sparce and not too informative. But then again, less is known about the game than ZZT.
Still it's not very complete (as stated in the txt and file) and many things are horrible useless, such as the 3d engine which looks 10 times worse in szzt than it does in zzt.
Dispite these flaws, The SZZT encylopdiea is useful. I would have like to see a toolkit, because dispite SZZT being able to make a lot more colour combinations, it still can't make them all. There really should be more, but I doubt we'll see it, so we've got to work with what we have.
really it should be something like a 3.75, but my economics teacher tells me to round down...