Submitted By
19 years, 7 months ago (Jul 10, 2005)

Just to clarify a bit of background: I didn't know exactly what would happen when I first made DGN. I did, then I then refined the engine (which became the DGN x2 / DGN Maximum engine) and put it up. People liked it. Just to note, DGN Tower 2.0 would have been the last DGN game made by me--Ultimate was WiL's spin on the x2 / Maximum engine.

I thought I had the randomnity thing covered, then along comes WiL with Run-On and Run-On v2 and blows DGN outta the water. Run-On involves the player being chased by a dark force which, when it caught the player, was supposed to kill the player. The truly ingenious thing about Run-On was that it was randomly generated and it moved. The player had to be constantly on the move to avoid the darkness. I believe that the game was actually incomplete in terms of having a total, complete ending, but I don't believe it had so much to do with WiL's competence as with the limits of ZZT. The game gets progressively cooler as you go on, and even has one section where you have to use torches. There are even one or two bosses. Anyone who wants an example of a very nice, well-thought out random game, this is one such example. Run-On is an awesome game.

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 6 months ago (Jul 31, 2004)

Can you belive that I played this game for over a year before I realized that there was a second game packaged with it? I had played Run-On time and time again, but for some reason I never took the passage that led to Dgn Ultimate, a one-board masterpiece of a game. I don't know how he did it, but the author made the two most innovative games that I have ever seen. I don't like giving full marks for anything, because there is always something that can be improved upon, but Run-On gets a full 5 out of 5.

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
21 years, 8 months ago (Jun 21, 2003)

An awesome game 2 seperate 1st the promising dgn ultimate i have played dgn and am still addicted dgn ultimate is the final version the game run-on is a great randomly generated game anyways

Graphics: 6.7/10 Gameplay: 9.9/10 Replayability: 10/10 Story: 8.8/10 Overall 8.9/10 rounded up to 9/10 which rates below as

4.50 / 5.00

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