Princess Polyanas Descent into the Perilous Underground
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20 years, 6 months ago (Sep 14, 2004)
One of my favorites from way back in the day. I lost it and apparently it was lost from the AOL archives long ago. I searched for it forever but no luck until I came into contact with KingBat and he sent me all his old ZZT games he still had and low and behold... He had it!
The game is old, so don't expect STK. But it's an interesting play nevertheless. The feel of it is different than your traditional zzt game. It seems like a lot of imagination and work went into describing the surroundings and such. And the Casino is really well done escpecially for the time. Just a well done interesting game, highly recommended if you're not a n00b that can't stand games without STK Graphics :) Enjoy the classics or you'll miss out!
4.50 / 5.00