Escape From the Probation Center of Hell
I haven't played a zzt game lie L-c-h in a long time, I absoultly love it, a little unbeliveveable though because I doubt you could access a High security area in a Prison that easily.
Overall 5
This game is pretty fun. There a lot of shooting, some good challange, and a convincing prison environment. I only encountered one instant kill, it was sort of dumb, but he did have a magnum... so...
My only real complaint is that most of the guards open a text box upon being shot to scream at you. It kills the pace and makes dodging a little more difficult. The game is a bit short, but fun the entire time, if you enjoy killing prison guards. Not quite worth the 5's of a masterpiece, but certainly worthy of the enthusiasm. They don't make em like this anymore, and hell, the object enemies actually gave you points when you killed them, a detail seriously lacking in many shooting games.
This game rocks my socks. The entire thing is one gigantic trigger happy orgy. But don't be stupid or you will die
i really like this game
god knows why but i remember playing it back in like the aol days and it's awesome.
i'm gonna go play it now.