Orb Holders 1

38.7 KB
3.50 / 5.00
(1 Review)
Board Count
36 / 47
Submitted By
19 years, 9 months ago (May 10, 2005)

What? Another game with a planned sequel(s) and nothing to show?

As far as RPG in go this is fairly standard. There is some pre-fab enemy shooting and a few (3) RPG battles. The story is adaquate and the graphics are decent, never falling into any sort of syndrome, although there were quite a lot of cut-scenes, so many I'd say there's may be more cut-scenes than game, but hey, at least he knows how to spell!

There is an error in the game that makes you miss half of it. Its near the begining so it's not hard to fix. Basically the player comes out on the wrong place on the world map.

A good effort, not terribly entertaining, the cutscenes drag on sometimes and the shooting segements are pretty bland, and personally I would have liked to see them do something more with the status bar, which looks cool but does little. Still if you need a ZZT RPG fix (God knows why anyone would want that) its worth a look.

3.50 / 5.00

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