Endless Dungeon GOLD
This randomly generated dungeon crawl has a lot going for it, namely the art and character selection system. Unfortunately, where the game fails is the "dungeon", and when I say dungeon I mean large clump of blue normals at the bottom of the playing area. Add this to the noise of the duplicators, and you've got yourself a very annoying game.
Rectify your terrible generation system, and maybe I'll change my opinion about your game. Your art saved you.
Anarchy you expect too much in a game ZZT is not the best game in the year 3287 altough it may be :p anyways too the review this is an awesome game i stayed up 2 nights playing it about 59 hundred times like anarchy said it has a unique class system which the whole game plays along with you can either be a troll a human or an elf and there are 3 classes fighter mage and thief with their own abilitys! there are like 15 endings depending on what race you are and how good you did!
Graphics: 10/10 hey man this is CoolZx the artist! Sound: N/A stupid computer no ZZT sound Gameplay: 10/10 how it gets boring i cant imagine altough maybe i don' like gotta a life ya know wha't im sayin? Overall: 10/10 yay!
Good job CoolZx! for a job well done!
Ps if i were choosing GOTM id pick this no premade enemies that annoy the living shit out of you but new object enemies its quite fun to be a trollish fighter and pop the orcs in the mouth!
Good sides : - An original class/race engine. - Unique and stunning graphics. - An excelent skills engine. Bad sides : - The many levels make it repetitive. - It gets really boring after some time.
Overall,this game is quite good.