
54.7 KB
4.50 / 5.00
(3 Reviews)
Board Count
59 / 82
Submitted By
20 years, 1 month ago (Feb 04, 2005)

This game is very fun! the graphics and sound is good and the storyline is great. But, it lost some points for its shortness. Please make a sequal!

4.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 1 month ago (Feb 03, 2005)

What is there to be said that hasn't already been said by our good friend Flimsy? A lot, in fact. He really missed the point of the game, at least as I saw it.

The game begins with the cryptic message RISE AND ASSIMILATE THE DAY RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. It quickly becomes clear that this game will be played on many levels, most not on a plane you see in zzt games often.

You play the role of Ebert, a suicidally depressed WWII vet centegenarian fighting a losing battle with not one but two diseases: Alzheimers and cancer of the body.

The frantic red door is representative of Ebert's mix of dementias: He's trying to kill himself while fighting to stay alive against a tumor knawing away at his body. The tesla coil in his bedroom represents the folly of youth. The sad TV is a bitingly ironic symbol of the horror in the news and media today. There is much more, but we won't get in to that.

The story is touching: you'll want to laugh, cry, sneeze, fuck, and do miscellaneous other things whilst playing. It's an emotional rollercoaster.

There are many ways to go; you could go to the rumpus room, or the living room, or visit the Oval Office! (from the outside!)

And there are gags too, such as be sure to check out the skeletons in Ebert's closet, or ZAP the door to the room in the upper right corner of the first screen and watch as hilarity ensues.

the last act left me in tears: A runtime error in the living room, representative of good ol' Ebert's passing to the other side. An abrutpt end to an altogether unforgettable game. Bravo, Anonmonymous. I salute you.

Ps there is one complaint I have, however: the game is all too short. Please make another installment, Mr. 'Mous. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

4.50 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 1 month ago (Feb 03, 2005)

Undoubtedly one of the best ZZT games ever created. Fresh, innovative, exciting, funny, and really fun! Who would think of guarding the different parts of your game with a lion. Brilliant! I wish I could find more games in the vein of this undoubted classic of ZZT gaming. Who ever would of thought to do some of the remarkable things this author thought up in this wonderful, amazing game! The game plays well, the graphics are good, and the puzzles are hard. What more could a ZZT fan ask for? The only slight problem I had was that Ebert swears once if you get in his way after unplugging the Super Nintendo NES, an unfortunate event in an otherwise clean game! 10 pipes out of 10.

5.00 / 5.00

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