Submitted By
21 years ago (Mar 18, 2004)

Yes this game is very good. I love the rpg battles but what Commodore says is right there is no challenge to them, just hope you dont miss when you attack.

Graphics- Nicly done for such an old game, I like that knight, (he is the 2end guy you fight), he looks cool. Hell, these graphics could compare to some games just comming out too. So yeah the graphics are given a 4 out of 5.

Sound/Music- Moslty noobie stuff here but thats just fine because he does not overdue it. So yeah, 2 out of 5.

Story- I think the story is not that great but still is diffrent, it left me with wanting to know if the guy I was playing was evil or good. Thats cool, everything that happend after the start of the game is predictable. So yeah, better than most games. 3 out of 5.

Gameplay-You run around, fight an RPG battle, run around, fight an RPG battle. Very repetive because nothing really can make each battle diffrent than the last. 2 out of 5.

FunFactor- Some is to be had, and it is nice. Dont let this game pass you by. 3 out of 5.

Overall- If he could have made the battles a little diffrent and more interesting then the game would be top notch. But alas, such is not the case. 3 out of 5.

3.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 3 months ago (Dec 28, 2002)

This game would have the potential to become a great game remembered for a while, but the battle system fails in many respects, which in turn fails the game. The story is nice and I really enjoyed that aspect of it. But battles were tedious and not difficult to beat at all. The programmer gave you too much life and magic, and gave it to you a lot. Also there was very little strategy to the battles which featured many spells, the majority of which you didn't use or even know what they did. Battles also jumped on you when you went into doors, which was confusing. The graphics were really nice though and all captured the mood of the game well.

3.50 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 3 months ago (Dec 28, 2002)

This game may be dated (as demonstrated by the graphics), but it is definitely worth your while. The most outstanding feature would probably be the RPG system, which uses an innovative first-person perspective. Dragon Warrior fans will appreciate this. Furthermore, the game has multiple endings, which gives it a good replay value. I'm tired now, so I'll end the review here.

4.50 / 5.00

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