craNKGod RPG Demo
It was pretty neat. craNKGod and ry0suke has made a good and funny rpg and a nice job. I laughed a few times myself. I was wonder why would and monkey have an axe? Maybe it was a KILLER MONKEY. I hope the full version comes out.
I like it but it's really weird and does not flow. But cool characters and graphics. I also laughed playing it a few times.
I hope they make more games.
jojoisjo is right. this game is phunny. i just like the fact that you have an imginary friend travelling with you who you constantly argue with. this game doesnt take it seriously, infact its just a huge joke which will make you laugh, unlike other meant-to-be funny games.
I thought this game was pretty fun, sure the graphics aren't hervules but it is funny and the worlds are actually set up in a way that instead of just trying to be "A SUPER AMAIZING GAME" It is just fun. I mean I got an axe off of a monkey! Anyway, seriously it's a fun demo and will remind you of WHY WE ARE ALL HERE (SNIFF).