The Challenge is a classic ZZT game, both in gameplay and enjoyability. The premise is simple: you are faced with a gauntlet, involving the destruction of built-in enemies, solving little puzzles, collecting supplies and a lot of running around. With this type of gameplay, dosage and variety are key. Thankfully, Commodore got it right: both in concept and graphics, The Challenge is a traditional ZZT game that delivers exactly what it should.
The game makes a lot of use of (non-programmable) built-in attributes. This means you will be destroying breakables with bears and bears with boulders. The game doesn't rely exclusively on built-in objects and their limitations, there's the occasional button and even a mid-game boss, which is always a plus.
Graphically, the Challenge is colourful and conventional. The exterior fits the general feel of the game. It makes you feel like you're getting somewhere, too.
The game lives up to it's name: it's a difficult son of a mother. Even on easy, you die, a lot. I did, anyway. It's worth it. Download this game, it will make you smile.