Bloodlines 1 & 2

170.5 KB
4.43 / 5.00
(7 Reviews)
Board Count
102 / 118
Submitted By
1 year, 3 months ago (Dec 08, 2023)
Bug Report

Bloodlines Disc 1: The fourth board of the game's first cinema sequence fails to play in full because the code for Rahn and Malek misspells Yanos as Yanis in #send commands (Rahn attempts #send Yanis:kobi and Malek attempts #send Yanis:crap, respectively).

(Report entered by Dr. Dos, original report by The Green Herring)

Submitted By
19 years, 2 months ago (Jan 04, 2006)

Good game. It's amazing what a murderer can do innit?

4.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 11 months ago (Apr 07, 2004)

This is an amazing game. Amazing graphics and an awesome story that takes a new look at the vampire story make this game a definite must play

4.50 / 5.00
Submitted By
21 years, 10 months ago (Apr 27, 2003)

As a game, this is very good, but there are a few bugs in it. I had to change a few bits in it, as one cutsceen I couldn't view properly, and one boulder REFUSES TO MOVE. ZAP THE BUGGER. I checked out the coding and it says something along the lines of If bould roll and then instead of roll, :move. I prefer the midi music, so that was cool. But as a game, purely the game side, I would give it 4.5/5.

Now, the plot. I like the whole buisness about being turned into a vampire, but the embrace was rushed over. Daylight burns the vampires, mistake number one. Feeding of an animal, that's correct, but feeding off too many would make the vampire feel ill. One wolf would probly keep the vampire fine for one night. A vampire walks into a village, what happens, nothing. A vampire hides itself, looks human, so it can feed easily. One human is all that's needed. AND YOU DON'T FEED OFF THE DEAD! OKay, the Brujah, yes. An anarchistic clan, but not so good as uniting. They are mostly against revealing themselves. So Why oh why do they have a war against the humans? KILL THE HUMANS! But then, who do they feed off? I liked the system, if only it was more accurate. The rating drops one.

3.50 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 2 months ago (Jan 14, 2003)

This game boasts some of the greatest artwork I have ever seen. You do not often see stuff like this being uploaded to Z2, so I am going to give it a fantastic 5 out of 5 for graphics.

I found the game play rather annoying, mainly the fact that you have to walk in to people to kill them and to increase your health, which slowly counts down to 0. What happened to the old school ZZT style? I miss those prefab monsters.

Strangely enough, the game has a decent plot, which is something you do not often see in ZZT games. <sinister>I found the evil vampire actions very amusing, loved having to kill the innocent villagers.</sinister>

After starting the game you will find yourself immersed in rich fantasy world, filled with monsters, vampires, dungeons, and edible village people (hehe).

Aesthetics: 4 Characters: 4 Design: 4 Evocation: 4 Graphics: 5 Plot: 4

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 3 months ago (Dec 14, 2002)

The best game I'v ever seen!

For the ppl that didn't notice this: This game is a zzt remake of the "Legacy of Kain" series. I was thinking "Vorador, Vorador. I'v heard that somewhere" and as I'v seen the pillars of nosgoth I remembered of where I'v seen it: Vorador is a leader of vampire group (in Blood Omen 2) and Kain (another vampire) lost his memory as he was beaten by Lord Sarafan and has slept for 200 years. But I'd never think they could make it SOO good! Even the pillars are named "ex: pillar of energy" right and in the right order. This is just brilliant

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 3 months ago (Dec 09, 2002)

When i first saw this game.I had a shick.The Title screen is very-cool .The game is very-good and livelike.Here you play as Vorador the vampire.You have to suck blood to feed yourself and other stuff like that.The music is very-cool and spooky. Overall: Download it NOW!!!! It is one of the best games for ZZT i have seen!!!

5.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
22 years, 5 months ago (Sep 29, 2002)

Bloodlines is one of the best games ZZT has ever made. It proves that you can imitate or even create epic scope with ZZT. Chase has pretty much some of the best graphics I've seen. The cutscenes are drawn wonderfully.

The game play leaves a little to be desired, but in general the programming is good. The constant craving for blood adds to the rate at which you play the game. The drain of health, for the blood hunger, is slow enough to be toleralbe, but qucik enough to add excitement. The way you go about getting blood is probably what sets the mood so well. You go into these towns where people just stand around, and when people see you they run. They don't fight or call for help. Then you swoop down and tear them to shreads, sucking every last drop from their marrow.

Certainly the game has a very thick atmosphere. The dark cathedrals, the moist caves. The types of trees actually change based on climate.

The story, being turned into a vampire, seems not too original, but the inner turmoil (Yes I proclaimed not to like it in Burgler!, this is a different sort of game.) Makes the player feel awkward for the first few minuites about playing such a wierd character. But the way the races of the world are painted, you begin to enjoy, and near the end actually relish the idea that you're going to another town to devour people.

The midi music included makes the game very dark and shadowy. It's like watching Nosfaratu.

All in all, good fun.

4.00 / 5.00

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