The Case of the Banged-Up Banana Truck

43.7 KB
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(1 Review)
Board Count
17 / 17
Submitted By
6 months, 2 weeks ago (Aug 07, 2024)

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Interesting little adventure (with multiple endings!) in which you have to fix your truck following an accident. This involves multiple repairs which can be tackled in any order, though you may need to get some items before progressing at certain points of the world. Short as it is, there also is an interesting cast of people to meet. The atmosphere is dreamlike and an early interaction makes you realise all isn't what it seems, but with less of a feeling of unease than, say, Variety. Points will not be awarded for playing the 'E.Ewell is a pseudonym for another ZZTer' game.

My favourite bit is the Potion Notions Easter egg.

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