I took notes on these while I played, these are hardly the only puzzles that can be confusing.
Mission 1's Block Puzzle: Push the buttons in the following order. There are many alternative solutions and probably faster ones: 67 67 22 55 89 89 89 33 89 89 89 33 67 .
In the room with the red key and door with a numeric passcode: The red key can't be obtained . The lock combo is 03694 . To actually find it, on the town board before entering the base check the garbage can again and again and again. It won't actually kill you.
This is a good game for... well, somebody. But for people new to ZZT, it would be terrible. There are numorous places that could be improved, and a few spelling and grammer errors. I had to go into KevEdit to solve a few of the puzzles. I did like the refineing one, but it took a while. I agree that it doesn't deserve a top score, and the author didn't know most of the tricks to making ZZT worlds.
If you are looking for an ooo-la-la game, this isn't it. However, if you just want a quick (for oldbies) game, with a few puzzles and a bit of frustration, then this is the game for you.
d00ds, I don't know what you guys are talking about. The newbs need to play more games before they review. ..
This game bugs the crap out of me. Big empty boards, puzzles that don't make sense, unbeatable segments, WEAK plot etc. etc. etc.
Strong points: Uh, lemme think. He used STK... Uh, has objects?
Overall, He tried. I didn't care for it much; you can do SO much more with ZZT. This Definitely does not deserve a top score.
This is a brill ZZT and should by rights have a sequel, If you aint got this then get it.
In this game you are a spy who works for the goverment to fight terrorists. The president himself gives you mission after mission to eventually rid the world of communists.
A typical storyline for a spy game, and the result wasn't bad. It kept me busy for awhile, and at the end, I was impressed.
I could go on like this for some time, but I'll simply say: Good job.