Attack of the Axodes
I plyaed this game a littil....I did not like it..........SO IM GIVING IT A BIG FAT 2!!!!!1
I wanted this game to be awesome. I was disapointed.
There are many flaws in the engine, not necessarily programming flaws, but gameplay style ones. Your character can not stop moving at all, bumping into anything will kill you, and you have to shoot the goal to leave the level. It would have been a lot better with levels that were more thought out. As it stands there were 25 levels with no learing curve. There are no new challenges added, even though there are attempts to incorperate more dynamic features, it turns out you can beat them with the same tactics. Not to say the game is easier because of this. Not being able to save is annoying too and could have been avoided with little modification of the original engine.
All these negatives aside, I enjoyed the game far more than it annoyed me. Although playing through about ten levels was enough. lemme see... 10 out of 25 is roughly close too....