The Anilihator

34.9 KB
3.00 / 5.00
(2 Reviews)
Board Count
43 / 54
Submitted By
Dr. Dos
20 years, 3 months ago (Oct 26, 2004)

I found Anilihator several years ago. And really Commodore's review was pretty accurate on this game.

For the most part it's a very simple action game. At the start you get to meet all the characters as they're behind bars and exhibit their quirks.

One bitch was the part where it's like WHERE DID THE BAD GUYS GO?!!!!!!! and you have to move in one of three directions, one leading to victory the other leading to your demise (school zzt).

Assuming you go the correct way you get to fight the freaks and things go nicely because you get your old job back (you totally destroyed a building chasing some guy).

I have some fond memories of this one so I'll give it a 3/5.


This game presents a very powerful message about how society alienates those who are different causing them to become angry at us leading to such events as they occur in anilihator.

Can't we all just get along?

3.00 / 5.00
Submitted By
20 years, 3 months ago (Oct 26, 2004)

This game is pretty simple. There are no mazes, no puzzles, everything is very straitforward. There's a lot you don't ever have to do.

Basically it starts in an insane asylum where everyone breaks out and you have to track them down. Tracking them down involves going east and fighting tigers before finally getting to a cave where you face all the escapees one at a time in boss format after they have gained super powers from some sort of machine.

Graphically the game is acceptable, with plenty of stk and a some decent fades. Gameplay wise it is rather weak. The only real challange is the boss fights (11 of them) at the end which make up the bulk of the playing time. These are not too hard (with one exception) as the AI for the bosses is very lacking and most of the enemies are not very threatening.

There is no music save the open bars of the power rangers theme.

Overall it can waste an hour of your time, and if that's all you're looking for you should give it a try, but by no strech of the imagination is this going to stay on your HD for much longer than that hour. In fact, I'm going to delete it right now.

3.00 / 5.00

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