A Mind to Retaliate
I recently played all the ZZT games made from 1991 to at least the end of 2003, maybe beyond - nearly two thousand games in all. Of those I have selected just 66 to be included in my list of "best ZZT games ever."
While I am not a fan of drawn-out adventures that have big square rooms and enemies that quickly get boring (A Dwarvish Mead Dream, case in point) there was something special about the way this game played out. The attention payed to developing the storyline was nicer than it should have been - the entire game utilizes only one cutscene, and so you are the actor in the development of the story; your actions determine how it comes about. I salute master raze: I can't remember if this is the only game of his i have in my list, but i give a nod to everything he's done. peace.