Alien Adoption Agency
Submitted By
22 years, 1 month ago (Feb 24, 2003)
GRAPHICS: Mostly Green boards with a few blue and cyan spaces and red text. very poor use of color. No STK, as mentioned in the title screen. [1]
GAME PLAY: Doors that send my head spinning. Lots of 'em too. They seem to go in some random direction. Because it is a demo, (demo?) it lacks an ending. [0]
SOUND: Doors, shots, and kills, that is all. [0]
SPELLING/LANGUAGE: Everything seems to be in order, though the text is everywhere. [3]
OOP USE: No #end after objects names lead to their actions being played at the enterence of another board [2]
SATISFACTION: Not satisfied. No real challange, too much score and gems. [1]
Total Score: [.95] CFRVRFZZTG: [A] for All those not against being driven mad from doors and shooting ascii characters
0.00 / 5.00