2-Player Game
This is a pretty weird but still rubbish engine.
It is right that player 1 must always win (although that can be fixed) but why make an engine like this as its just rubbish.
Some people may like it and want to put it in there games, NOT ME.
YEah I agree with the 1St review also What I was think that player 2 was use by diffent contorlls This game needs Work
Player 1 always wins. Because he gets to attack first. You can't stockpile gems for attacks. Your bank can hols 1 set of 1 gem 1 set of 2 gems 1 set of 3 gems and 1 set of 6 gems, it cant go an higher, there is not luck, just as long as player 1 attacks every turn, he will win.
Good game, great graphics, but No real skill involved, If this game had more luck involved, such as missing occationally, this might have been a better game No Replay Value CFRVRFZZTG: [A] for All those not opposed to fighting and red fakes