1000 Dancing People Sing With Sub-Machine Guns
Seriously though this game shows that some effort has been put into it. It does however suffer from being a 'first game'. The author has obviously played other RPG's and thought "Hey, I could do that", and was pretty much right. There's nothing particularly clever with most RPG's, and after a few they can be more than tedious. The battles in this game are very time consuming, and you always seem to have the same chance of suceeding (no matter what attack you choose). Consequently I used two or three ?health's, so that I didn't have to restart. The walk around bits are quite nice, and there is a small amount of exploration element to it. My favourite line in the game is when first entering the caves and I was told to "Be weary" - an instruction I had little difficulty following. I'm not sure what's going on with the plot - you kill god, you kill some ogres, etc but I don't think it added anything to the game.
It sucked big time. The rpg fighting parts took way to long so it became worse then boring.
I wouldn't download this if it wasn't on my computer already.
But it really depends what the hell your into HAHAHAHAHA.
Although it can be good at points might i add.
This game starts boring, and gets worse. The whole purpose of this game is to beat god, which we all know is impossible. It uses STK. It doesn't have great sound effects. Unless you are athiest, I would NOT recomend this game CFRVRFZZTG is [M] for don't let Mommy see this one.