Browse Genre - Utility
Files which contain tools to aid in creating ZZT worlds.

Program Description
ZZTMuzMak is a program that allows your to create ZZT music in a .MOD-like setting. It will export to #play code, which you can then import into your games. It does not many features, but if manipulated correctly, it can be used to export other kinds of ZZT code as well.

Program Description
A simple program which allows you to type in valid #play commands and hear them played back.

Program Description
A player program for ZZM audio files. Also includes a program to rip songs from ZZT worlds into ZZM format.

Program Description
Takes a ZZT file and rips the music directly from it, exporting it to a ZZM file that can be played using the player. Includes ZZT Music player and ZZT Music ripper. Does not function under DosBox, though the earlier version 2.0 does.

Program Description
A more recent version of the ZZT Music Player program. This fails to function under DosBox, but its predecessor works fine.

Program Description
A very good utility for Windows 95/98/NT that allows you to create ZZT music easily. Very useful for those who don't know how to write music. Just hit a few random notes and you've got a song!

Program Description
ZZT music making tool

Program Description
This allows you to change a ZZT game's name. The name of the game is what appears at the title screen under "World." Includes source code.

Program Description
Another crucial tool for those wanting to make games. The stuff here, especially Super Toolkit, will certainly help you out. This is the same as the link on the main page.

Program Description
ZZT Under Windows allows ZZT worlds to be run from any folder on any drive with the greatest of ease. It also allows much easier use of Screen Thief, which is a great help for people like me, who need to take a lot of ZZT screenshots. It also has some pretty good help files.

Program Description
A really old unlocker. Very fast and can unlock all locks, excluding omega.

Program Description
This has been added for nostalgic purposes--to show what the earlier version of ZZT looked like. We recommend not using this for playing OR editing games, though it is worth a look.