Browse Genre - Utility
Files which contain tools to aid in creating ZZT worlds.

Program Description
Softweave 2.5 expands on the foundation provided by Softweave 2.2, including a unified and improved configuration format, fixing a handful of classic 3.2 bugs, and improved handling of player clones.

Program Description
Weave 2.5 expands on the ideas started by Weave 2.2, and comes with a greatly improved configuration file format.

Program Description
This is the complete Weave 3 suite, with the following tools and utilities included: The Weave 3 executable, the WEAVEDMO demo world, and the WEBWEAVE and WEBZZT32 drag-and-drop tools. The LOOMzzt editor is provided separately.

Program Description
This is the complete Weave 3 suite, with the following tools and utilities included: The Weave 3 executable, the WEAVEDMO demo world, and the WEBWEAVE drag-and-drop tool. Please visit for the complete download, including additional utilities and the file editing tools.

Program Description
A very nice Windows program that acts as a frontend. Define your ZZT directory, and this will sort your games out for you. A very nice contribution, indeed!

Program Description
A web browser skinned to look like z2 in 2000! It doesn't seem to function anymore.

Program Description
A slightly later edition of the z2 browser. It still doesn't work, but the colors are a bit less glaring. It also makes laser sounds.

Program Description
ZZT clone/successor attempt

Program Description
Convert bitmap graphic files to ZZT boards!

Program Description
A utility that reads the number of boards attached to a ZZT file and sets the board # in the world header to that number of boards. Useful for circumstances where someone used a binary copy to append .BRD files to a ZZT world and wants that world to still work properly.