ZZTer Comics - Frost - Power: page 30

I ATEN'T DEAD, i was busy for a couple of months and didn't have anything to upload for a bunch of time because of a crappy scanner but that is all over now, sometimes I even draw new pages of komick
Not much to say about this one, lots of talk, if it's not clear the "censored picture" is some godawful porn image spam Melissa printed off the internet and put in the box on the back of the scooter in case the police searched it (and they did!)
Also can I just say here and now that I'm horrible at drawing vehicles? Sorry if the scooter's sort of non-euclidean.
Oh one last thing, technical and boring, I decided to get a clue and start using pngs, maybe I could go back some time and replace all the old pages with those too