ZZTer Comics - Frost - Power: page 14

First off, you might notice that I've rescaled everything. I realised that I was really unhappy with the size of my images, so I went back over everything and made them all a bit bigger. 90 extra pixels may not sound like much, but it makes everything more readable and obscures my linework a bit less. Now you can see how craptastic it is without having to blame the horrible image reduction. I am sorry if this makes the site to big for your resolution. Deal. With. It.
I had to rejig the site to accommodate this though, got rid of those useless black bars on the left-hand side and replaced them with all the links and stuff. I'm not entirely satisfied with the new margins (in my current resolution there is a blank space the right which could use filling) but it's presentable.
I also bought a domain name for the comic. If you prefer, change your bookmarks to http://www.frost-comic.com. You won't get the funky favicon anymore, but I paid actual real money for this small detail so I'd prefer it got some use <:(